Japan Tsunami - new footage

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Well i dont want you to lose sleep tonight but ..............

Whilst we would never match the poor japanese, those in the know are quite clear that its when not if we in this country suffer the effects of tidal surges.

Thats one reason for exercise watermark thats been going on around the country this last week.

The last time we had a small tidal version in our area it also coincided with some fluvial flooding and a blocked river .............. wasnt a good day out.
Seen a couple of photo's on TV, one with a coach on top of a two storey building and another with a house planted on top of a two storey building.

Despite Japan being such an advanced country this will take years to recover from. You have to feel for them.

Don't forget one of the Spanish islands of the coast of Africa has a whole side of a volcano ready to slide in to the sea and cause a huge water surge across to the states and also throught the coast lines of europe including Blighty.
All we need is a nice spring tide combined with a storm surge in the North sea and we'll get a repeat of 1953. These two factors added to the rising sea levels.

Willow get a house boat:doh

you really have to feel for them , as if a earthquake wasnt bad enough to cope with , then the ensuing tsunami ..... now a level 4 nuclear alert :eek:
Oh My God, I hope no one was on those boats.
Even sat on the building I'd be bricking it!

But it shows what fickle creatures we are - 65 years ago we'd have been dancing in the streets. :rose
Yeah, you do know that there is a nuclear power station close to meltdown right? lol