Is it a pain to pour in lubricants under vehicle?

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2015
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Now, bearing in mind that I have virtually no experience in fiddling about under cars how awkward or easy is it to physically pour lubricants into places such as the gear box, transfer unit, front and rear diffs assuming the car in on its wheels and not raised up?

I was looking at doing this myself on the drive (never done it before) and tried imagining how one tips a 5 litre can underneath the vehicle in to the gearbox say.

Is some sort of pump needed along with a good supply of curse words or are there some clever cunning techniques employed?

Just wondering if it's worth getting a garage to do it but would rather like the satisifaction of doing it myself. Here's what I'm planning on using. Also any suggestion on filter parts and best place to source?

Engine Oil 7l
Comma X-Flow Type MF 15W-40 Mineral 5L x1
Comma X-Flow Type MF 15W-40 Mineral 1L x2
Gear Box 3.6l
Comma EP80W-90 GL-4 Gear Oil 5L x1
Transfer Box 2.3l
Comma EP80W-90 GL-4 Gear Oil 1L x1
Front Diff 1.3l
Comma EP80W-90 GL-5 1L x2
Rear Diff 2.8l
Comma LS80W-90 GL-5 LSD Oil 1L x2

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I recently topped up my gearbox with a large syringe and short length of pipe.
I bought the syringe originally to back bleed brakes on something else.
You could also use a funnel & long length of hose fed down from engine bay if you are unable to borrow a decent oil dispenser.
Diff oil I used came in 1l canisters, with a longish extendable nozzle. No problem tipping those.
Gearbox oil: I used a funnel and a hose. It really helps if you have a helping hand for that, avoids major spilling on the floor :)
I use a Hand type styrup pump that I use for adding antifreeze to solar systems, can pump to 2.5 bar with ease, delivers half a pint a time, or you can use a cheap £12 electric pump off Ebay they are designed for pumping oil out of a sump, but work well transferring from oil bottle to motor, Rick
Thanks. I suspected there was some sneaky technique!

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ive just done all of the fluids on mine, and i can say with some certainty, that yes, access is easy enough with 1 litre bottles, but it will still take an age and be very annoying!

do yourself a favour and get a large syringe, or pump. you will be glad you did.

i have now got one of these:

well worth the money, can't rmember where i got it. probably bay or some such :)
I use 6 feet of fuel hose ( clear type ) and connect one end to a large funnel.

Put the hose through a door handle and pull it through so that the funnel is held upward by the door handle.

Go underneath the truck and put the other end of the hose into what ever you're filling up.

Fill the funnel and go and do something else.

Now and again glance at the funnel to see if it needs topping up.

A stress free way of doing it.