Irish bailout

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Dec 20, 2008
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Well,it seems the UK Government are willing to give Ireland about £7billion. Now to speed up the process and help the cash get here quickly, I am willing to accept donations into my bank account from the members on here and will see that it gets to where it's needed most urgently (me). I will issue receipts to all who donate so that they can reclaim the money from their Government.

This strategy will minimise red tape and ensure that the money arrives in Ireland in the shortest possible time. As the British Government still has a few quid in the kitty, rest assured that your donation will be refunded on production of the receipt issued by me to HM Treasury.

This is NOT a scam.
what's your paypal i.d

i'll get it sorted straight away

be only too happy to assist , after all im english SO ITS MY DUTY TO GET SCREWED:(
funny that, we have to suffer cut backs to help this country out of debt, and they all of a sudden find £7 BILLION to help another country out of debt, something is seriously wrong here, mind you i would rather help Ireland than those Muslim countries who are trying to bomb us and take over our country. :sly
funny that, we have to suffer cut backs to help this country out of debt, and they all of a sudden find £7 BILLION to help another country out of debt, something is seriously wrong here, mind you i would rather help Ireland than those Muslim countries who are trying to bomb us and take over our country. :sly

why...... no offense, but when was the last time someone thought "hey those english chaps seem to be having a rough time, lets give them a hand"

what i dont get out of all this they enjoy the benefits of being our allies and in part "part of the union" . and like scotland too when they get a bit of luck they want to keep it to themselves. they dont put a great deal in .
they rely on our united power for protection , take all the good times to themselves .... then in lean times they come cap in hand.

what about all the soldiers and innocent civilians murdered.

we could move on to Iraq and Afghanistan the next thing i'll be told is we are going to plough billions into rebuilding the place.

and closing schools and cutting back here

its so nice being so NICE
Very valid points. I'm getting a great laugh from people on radio and TV over here worrying about how other countries will have a poor opinion of Ireland.:confused: I for one don't spend any of my time worrying about how others think of Ireland,too busy worrying about the important stuff like how I'm going to pay next month's mortgage,electricity,oil etc.

I think the idea of giving us a £7billion loan is so that British banks who are owed £100 billion don't get screwed. There you go,bloody banks again.
Ireland was doing great even with the building slump going on , There biggest down fall was the Euro , They should of taken the first vote a big NO from the public , Instead the Irish Goverment fed them bullshit ,I have a few friends out there and they are gutted ,They think even less of the Euro now and all its governing body , There will be a lot more demonstrations yet
Ireland was doing great even with the building slump going on , There biggest down fall was the Euro , They should of taken the first vote a big NO from the public , Instead the Irish Goverment fed them bullshit ,I have a few friends out there and they are gutted ,They think even less of the Euro now and all its governing body , There will be a lot more demonstrations yet

The euro was never the problem. Ireland attracted a lot of business in with an ultra-low corporation tax rate (12.5% versus 28% in the UK for example), but then wages went up and the big internationals started to relocate away to cheaper labour markets.

Add that to a banking system that was far less regulated than even ours and you have a recipe for disaster....big shame cos a lot of vested interests have lined their pockets along the way as always....
Thing is when it was first reported that we were going to help Ireland out we were going to "loan" them 7 billion which the BBC reported last night may well be 10 billion, latest this morning is we are going to "borrow" the money that we loan to Ireland, so we aint got the money in the purse to start with... This leads me to think that this is a fine example of how to run your own affairs, as in if your in the shite, a mate will go the bank and ask to borrow the money and then give it to you,this is then made to look good business by saying "ah but we are borrowing at 2.5 % and the "loan" to Ireland will be around 4.5/4.7 %. " politics... again. Lets look good and take the heat off us, then reported on sky that the real reason Ireland was being pushed into this position by the members of the eurozone was that Mrs Merkel wants her money back and wants it now, apparently Germany has asked for all previous loans to be paid back with immediate effect, so why dont we just give Germany the money and call it a day by adding the clause that we wish to withdraw from the eurozone with immediate effect. Its all a con and as usual a few fat cats will be making good money from the poorer in society, in fact it all stinks, we need to tell them all to piss off and sort their own problems our as we have a currency called the "pound" and yet again we are involved with the euro, just think if we wernt paying all this money into the eurozone and keeping the fatcats in Bruxells/Strasbourg in a life of luxury we wouldnt need all these cuts that are looming

On another point, anyone seen a disaster fund set up for the poor people flooded in Cornwall last week ?????, nah didnt think so.
The euro isnt entirely to blame but it is contributory. The more countries that are tied into it the more widespread the effect of its problems. Like a ripple across a pond.
We've got a barrier or a dam , its called a shit exchange rate and the Irish sea :D
Wait until the likes of Latvia,Lithuania,Estonia etc. go with the Euro,then the crap will really hit the fan. Don't forget Turkey either,they are wanting to come in and it will happen eventually. I don't think the Euro is the problem either, a certain chap called Adolf once tried the united Europe thing, only difference now is there are no guns (for now). His plan failed as will the Third Reich part two.
I definitely think the idea of a single European currency with a Federal Government is doomed to failure,at least as they are currently trying to achieve it. Thing is,with politicians, they are never in a hurry. If it takes another 50 years they won't mind but unless there is a major amount of civil disruption all across Europe, they will plod along until they get their own way.
They are already putting in place the laws that will make it easier for them,eroding people's rights,ASBO's,restricting gun ownership,trying to introduce ID cards,using strong arm tactics at every opportunity to show people how quickly they can put down riots etc. These things aren't just happening in the UK but all across the world. I seem to recall that Adolf made it illegal for Jews to own firearms before he tried it on and the British also made it illegal for an Irishman to own firearms in the early 1900's. Thing is,it is difficult to fight back if you don't have weapons.
British also made it illegal for an Irishman to own firearms in the early 1900's. Thing is,it is difficult to fight back if you don't have weapons.

That wasn't necesarily a bad thing. Admittedly it didn't work as they've been killing each other ever since!

hitler tried it, the romans tried it and would have done it , if it hadn't been for those skirt wearers north of the border (only joking)
its been on the cards since the beginning of time. thing is people/ countries want more than they have. its human nature.

but i still stick to my statement from years ago....

if you take enough from enough people eventually you end up with a lot of really pissed off people ....

society only works with people.... why else would the romans create Christianity ... hitler did similar with his perfect race .... they are making the people feel part of something, something you are either in or you are shut out from

same as being European they are dividing society and blending it so much that all you will have left as an identity is European

fit in or your a racist
I hate politics.

All I know is when I was younger I used to go to France and loved how I got almost 10 francs to my £1 spending money. I once bought a brand new fishing rod and a reel for less than four quid. That was the mid 90s...

About five years ago I went to Paris... you couldnt get a bottle of bud for less than a fiver! Thats the mid 2000s

So in ten years, what would have cost a quid in France would now cost what??? At least five times more? 500% increase...

But in this country...
Mid 90s a Mars bar would cost me about 38p... ten years later about 45p... so thats what roughly a 30% increase???

Something dont add up there!!!! My country is weak and the weak countries are strong now :confused:
And if we go into Europe I believe this will get worse...

Someone dropped a big bollock somewhere along the line. Our once great country (think back 100 years ago) brought to its knees by the generation before me, and guess who's generation will have to try and make ammends...
Well it has been going on for a long time. Ireland is a relatively young country,only about 90years. We have had a relatively small number of families running the country since 1922 and all that has really happened is that these families have increased their wealth so that the next generation of sons,daughters,nephews and nieces have a bigger war chest to continue the dynastic politics which began with their great grandparents.

This makes it almost impossible to enter Irish political life unless you have a few million in the bank. Unfortunately,they are unlikely to vote for any change as it would be akin to turkeys voting for Christmas.

Perhaps the only answer is similar to what the Russians did with the Tsar and his family and then start from a clean sheet. Maybe that is what will happen across Europe,who knows?
romans create Christianity

thats a new one for me, care to expand?

well I see where you're coming from, but if you apply a bit of pure logic, if they hadn't killed JC there wouldn't be a christian religion would there. Without a martyr it would be just another cult.

But lets not go there, politics is bad enough LMAO!