interior heater motor

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2005
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Hi all, :thumb2 my heater has been working fine all summer, but now with the onset of winter and according to sods law its decided to pack up. :doh Ive tried replcing the bushes but that didn't work, so I tested it with a meter and found it has some dead spots on the contacts on the spindle. hope Im makin sense. :eek: So it looks like a new or second hand replacement is needed, :( can anyone point me in the right direction. thanks all.

Hiya tezzer, tried the link but it didn't work, just keep gettin a message that says " link is broken" :doh

Finally found the link you suggested but thats not the problem. Ive tested all conections an Im gettin power to the motor on all settings, then I tested the motor its self and some of the connections on the shaft that the bushes push against are dead, so I think I need a replacement motor. any suggestions on the best place to get one from would be most appreciated. Thanx.
ebay parts like that will pop up from time to time.

or you'll need to go to your local breackers / dismantlers.
Hi all, :thumb2 my heater has been working fine all summer, but now with the onset of winter and according to sods law its decided to pack up. :doh Ive tried replcing the bushes but that didn't work, so I tested it with a meter and found it has some dead spots on the contacts on the spindle. hope Im makin sense. :eek: So it looks like a new or second hand replacement is needed, :( can anyone point me in the right direction. thanks all.


I take it that you have tested the armature and you have no resitance reading on some of the windings IE: ACROSS THE COPPER CONTACTS ON THE ARMATURE if this it the case you do need a new armature or as some call it the rotor. Look at the copper contacts is there a blueish tint on some of them, this is another sign of open circuit windings. Hope this helps;)
fantastic service NISSAN 1ST

Thanks for all your help mates, Heater blower motor now fixed an its nice an warm in the mistral again. got my heater motor from a breakers yard in Welshpool, ordered it on Thursday at 1.30 pm and it arrived next day before dinner. fantastic service. very helpfull and courtious. The name of the breakers yard if anyone is interested is NISSAN 1st, they only deal with nissans. just follow the link below.
