initial observations

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maybe they are the new candle type spotlights, you have to light them with a match and dont drive too fast or they will blow out ;)

And the choke thing just increases the revs so you dont get white knuckle vibration desiese while on tickover at the lights etc. It also works as a cruise control if you dont want to go over 20mph ;p
ok i found the switch for the spotlamps ..... nothing happens even when lights are on ... so something for me to investigate , might not have any bulbs in .. fuseblown.... but it looks like they used those stoopid bliddy scotchlock connectors , so perhaps those

Have you tried them with full beam on?
That's right, it's a hand throtle, nothing more. not fitted to TDi.

Hand throttle, I use mine either in slow moving traffic, or descending bumpy hills at constant speed, saves the Kangaroo effect of using your right boot..
i think ive got the hang of it now , i use the economy mode for normal use , but if i know im going to need quick accelleration , i flick the switch to auto, then when i put my foot down it automatically goes into power mode and sets off quick , then i flick the switch back to economy , i have now noticed a lovely smooth ride , smooth gearchanges ...... i love it , ps still havent checked the spots yet . :thumb2
in economy mode it doesnt like going up hills , so i flick the switch to auto again and shoot up the hill ...... i really am getting to like this car a lot :thumb2:D
have you had the back end hanging out as you go around a corner yet??


your really not trying hard are you.....
no not yet , but i have found out my horn works well :hmh .... and my brakes ..... oh ive tried the spots on full beam etc and they still dont work , but when i press the spotlight button , the dashboard lights light up , so i dont think its the fuse , probably the bulbs , will lok tomorrow if i can
must be a bit easier to go a little to far with the manual vertion then..

only ever driven an auto, that was 20+ years ago and i had a broken leg.. nice rover V8.
no not yet , but i have found out my horn works well :hmh .... and my brakes ..... oh ive tried the spots on full beam etc and they still dont work , but when i press the spotlight button , the dashboard lights light up , so i dont think its the fuse , probably the bulbs , will lok tomorrow if i can

if you dont get chance, i'll help if i pop over this weekend (just not sure when yet mate, but will call you)
i think ive got used to the car now , and i love it to bits .... the brakes work very well as i found out when a winker ( deliberate missprint ) decided to chop me up ... oh the horn works well too lol , our lass has commented how smooth it seems now ive got used to it , just a few items of concern to sort , mainly the windscreen and the wheel stud , but the other stuff isnt really important , like the stereo , wind deflector missing , scratch marks on the body , spot lights not working etc , that stuff isnt important and i will sort that lot later , but i really like the car ..... thanks everybody :thumb2
the spots might be fogs effectively, and if not controlled by hi/lo beam
isolated. as possibly above bumper height and inboard not suitable for
uk fog light regs.

saying this as once had a toyota town ace grey import and it had various
lights isolated, maybe bulbs removed or wires cut near lights.

that said i was once told that if had lights then had to work, on basis
a rangey bullbar i took off and sold with spots but mate removed them
rather than wire em as would fail test as duds?? not sure on law for this
but recall story....
no ... its got my bull bar thingy :D:lol

:( I will get one eventually, even if it is made out of carlsberg tins...............then it would probably be the best bullbar thingy in the world :D:D