I'm still here, just with my green oval

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yes you are right , but I swear I will defeat those anpr jobbies, thinking electromagnetic drop down alternative plates, Rick
James Bond, more like :D

As for coppers, I spoke to our local police about speeding drivers on the main road I live on, we had a camera van sat up the road and random speed checks in the village after my call, plus, there is a good neighbourhood police team that patrol the village a couple of times a week..on foot.
I find when I call the police and have a problem or question, they are more than willing to help out.
James Bond, more like :D

I find when I call the police and have a problem or question, they are more than willing to help out.

Couldn't disagree more , round here that is. Never seen a beat plodder in our village. Don't want to see a revenue van here either (er I mean safety camera van :lol yeh right).
As far as help from plod is concerned well that is complete tosh.
My wife's a teacher in secondary school. She had to ring plod last year 'cause some low life was selling drugs out the window of his car right outside the school gates.
Having successfully negotiated her way through plod's english welsh throw a six to start phone answering system, she was told they were too busy at the moment. They'd send a car round later :eek:
I used to have a shop in town selling surf clothes and skateboard stuff. One night the window got smashed by some bunken drums :eek: Plod couldn't even be arsed to let me know. My shop neighbour rang me at 3am when his alarm went off . Plod wouldn't investigate as they said they'd never find them :doh
Two summers ago our sailing club inflatable boat got punctured by a knife , who knows why? Plod wouldn't send out a scenes of crime team to do finger prints or anything 'cause it was the weekend. so I chased them for action on Monday and was then told it's too late now as the prints will have faded in the sea air and rain etc. Cheers a bloody bunch!!

Now if I were stupid enough to take a bite of my mars bar behind the wheel of my car then no doubt all the powers of the modern world would be on my case to make sure I paid up the 60 pound fine ffs.

Bring on the revolution :question rant over.............for now:rolleyes:
Police force are over stretched and have there hands tied bu EU beurocracy and red tape, all this PC bollox has ruined the country

A lad I grew up with is a copper and he tells me all the time about the trouble they have with Somalian immigrants in Thames valley, they chop each other to death with machetes and they aren't allowed to report it because the government don't want it to start a race war. Pakistanis control prostitution and drugs it'd completely out of hand

Country is fkd :/
Thames valley is a very large area, we don't get axe murderers here, the only shootings we have are me shooting rats in the garden or my son playing shooting type games on his play station.
As for speeding, I'm in favour of speed checks, especially when you live on a road with a limit and knob head drivers ignore it, more the merrier :thumb2:thumb2
Couldn't disagree more , round here that is. Never seen a beat plodder in our village. Don't want to see a revenue van here either (er I mean safety camera van :lol yeh right).
As far as help from plod is concerned well that is complete tosh.
My wife's a teacher in secondary school. She had to ring plod last year 'cause some low life was selling drugs out the window of his car right outside the school gates.
Having successfully negotiated her way through plod's english welsh throw a six to start phone answering system, she was told they were too busy at the moment. They'd send a car round later :eek:
I used to have a shop in town selling surf clothes and skateboard stuff. One night the window got smashed by some bunken drums :eek: Plod couldn't even be arsed to let me know. My shop neighbour rang me at 3am when his alarm went off . Plod wouldn't investigate as they said they'd never find them :doh
Two summers ago our sailing club inflatable boat got punctured by a knife , who knows why? Plod wouldn't send out a scenes of crime team to do finger prints or anything 'cause it was the weekend. so I chased them for action on Monday and was then told it's too late now as the prints will have faded in the sea air and rain etc. Cheers a bloody bunch!!

Now if I were stupid enough to take a bite of my mars bar behind the wheel of my car then no doubt all the powers of the modern world would be on my case to make sure I paid up the 60 pound fine ffs.

Bring on the revolution :question rant over.............for now:rolleyes:

just come across this thread, agree 101%, been there done all that, total crap system, Rick
I have looked at page 1, that's why I posted...

I've been waiting for some photos of these... :surrender

I see a lot of 4X4's with rubber protruding outside the bodywork. will this not hit the bodywork when in compression ? (It obviously wont tuck inside the arch)

Bloody awesome rubber though :clap
Maybe on other trucks but not on the defender, Pretty much where the rubber arches are is the top of the inner arch. But without the spacing it will increase the turning circle.
No not yours Buddy. I would be surprised if you had worked it out wrong.

But... I don't suppose the tyre enters the arch that much anyway, because of the wing liner.

Anyone got any input on this?
Got these to add next:


You can set what boost pressure it kicks in at, But yes a bigger tank will be installed depending on how long it lasts with this one.