I got snow!!

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2009
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Well i thought we werent going to get snow but woke up to everything white:thumb2.

I took the truck to some untreated roads and had some fun:naughty.

It was the first time I have had the truck on snow and ice and found it totally uncontrollable in 2wd. The back end kept going out from under the truck. It was much harder to control than a front driving 2wd car....

But when i stuck it in 4wd what a difference:thumb2:D - passed cars and trucks all stuck and my T2 did not even spin a wheel!

Well i thought we werent going to get snow but woke up to everything white:thumb2.

I took the truck to some untreated roads and had some fun:naughty.

It was the first time I have had the truck on snow and ice and found it totally uncontrollable in 2wd. The back end kept going out from under the truck. It was much harder to control than a front driving 2wd car....

But when i stuck it in 4wd what a difference:thumb2:D - passed cars and trucks all stuck and my T2 did not even spin a wheel!


Told you to expect snow:augie Now where did I put those weather forecaster application forms??
we got it bad up here, my 4x4 is stuck on the drive cos of the MOT, and my Mazda is stuck at the bottom of my road, because I cant get up it!!
I've got it bad up here, my 4x4 is stuck on the drive cos of the MOT, and my todger is stuck to my leg with cold, now I cant get it up!!
A bit of snow and the country falls apart :lol
See if you cant get santas little helper to blow on it for you:naughty