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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
Reaction score
In the words of Mr Meldrew.. :smile:

Had the Mav for about 3 days and the wee gremlins keep on coming...hows about this one then !!!

I noticed/heard a creaking every time I depressed the clutch pedal..hmm must check that out I thought...so after work today I went out with my can of 3 in 1 to have a look see at the pedal. I noticed that it seemed to have quite a bit of sideways play...thats not right I thought..on further inspection by sticking my head well up into the footwell I discovered that the bloody top mounting bolt for the pedal was missing...no wonder it was moving around all over the place..sheeeesh :?

Its going to prove mighty tricky to get a bolt in there..the hole is high up with other bits of the pedal in the way..

Knew I should have bought a morris minor :smile:
squeaky clutch

make sure the welds havn't cracked on the bracket,theres been a few members who have had this prob.i slapped loads of grease on mine after inspecting it.apparantly the bush on the pedal box wears away after time so i would check that aswell,not the eaisest of things to do upside down in the footwell.have fun(give me a week and i might have sussed out how to send you the pics from the manual :smile: :lol: )
yea i also recommend to check welds mine snapped off, had to fabrcate and refit it, fabrication was the easy part, but god tryin to fit it was a killer.
but it can be done.
Thanks chaps..I will give it a good checking over...I'm pretty sure its just the bolt thats missing ...I hope 8O

Don't worry about manual Elton M8...I'm now sorted there :smile:
if you have your manual check out diagram on page CL-4
Further to this post.
Found a Teranno in scrappy..attempted to do an impression of a contortionist trying to get far enough up the drivers side footwell to get at bolt securing the top of the clutch pedal...cars to the left of me cars to the right and one on top to boot...had to give it up in the end.

Went home defeated and somewhat frustrated.

Brain wave...had a look at the clutch mounting of the wife's Micra..easily accesible mounting bolts...whipped one out to see if it would fit the pedal mounting hole in the Mav...having removed the lower trim panel...lots more access to the clutch pedal....with a bit of fiddling about got bolt into hole and lo and behold it was a perfect fit...got me socket on and horsed it home tighter than Shylock.

So its off down to scrappy again to get replacement bolt for Micra pedal.

I am over the moon that I got this annoying problem solved...I had visions of clutch pedal collapsing with every push of my foot.

:smile: :smile: