How to fix fuzzy headlamps (Polycarbonate)

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They look great.. You should find you like the LED's as long as you have bought reasonable quality.

I have bought a few cheap ones over the years, and they put me off them, as they fail or start flashing, but spend a bit more, and the difference is a hundred fold.

I have the HID headlamps, but for some reason Jeep put standard tungsten bulbs in the DRL, parking, and fog lights. The HID's make them look really yellow, so I have been changing them out for quality LED's. I haven't done the fogs yet, as they use a really weird bulb, and I hardly ever use them any way, but the parking lights, and DRL's look great, nice and bright, but no glare.

I also changed the reversing light bulbs for some high intensity LED's which were far superior to the standard tungsten, but I still ended up fitting a pair of auxiliary white light into the rear bumper.

I have LED front side lamps & reversing lights. The LED headlamp bulbs have a 5 year warranty (probably worthless) the blurb says they have a built in cooling fan to assist the heat sink. As I don't need Canbus compliant they were pretty cheap at £13.90 a pair. All the mainstream adverts do not quote my fitting that is HB3. Worth a punt I thought - the standard Quartz bulbs are around the £6.00 mark a pair.
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Nearside Headlamp with LED main beam bulb fitted

Difficult to photograph for full effect but this is the front with LED bulb fitted to main beam, the light is so bright blue it's amazing! As its the main beam I am unlikely to dazzle oncoming traffic as tbh main beam is mainly the preserve of a headlamp flash in an urban area.

I intend to contact the supplier on flea-bay to see if they do a dip beam version, existing dip beam is a 80W upgrade from the standard 55 W but it's pretty dull. You can't fit a main beam bulb in the dip beam side as the diameter of the boss is smaller so it will not locate in the lamp that has a three lug type fitting that rotates to lock in place. The generic term is a HB 3 fitting.

I have removed the offside headlamp (one bolt holds it in place) to start the polishing / restoration process over the next few days.

One lamp done LED bulb nearside by Teddy Bagshaw, on Flickr
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Headlamps both done - waiting for LED Dip Beam Bubs to arrive!

Finished the offside headlamp on Saturday, slight change of method - used worn 240 grit to cut through the heavy yellowing / crazed polycarbonate then used 1000, 1500,2000 grit by hand finished with 2500 grit took about an hour and a half in total with intervals for a rest/coffee break.

For fine shine/finish I used T-Cut with a small drill mop head for 10 minutes followed by Brasso. Then used the Turtle Wax Headlamp restorer followed by hard carnauba wax finish.

I have manged to source some dip beam LED's from the same supplier, the Jeep headlamps actually have the bulb fitting type embossed on the lower edge of the lens & on the rear of the actual reflector housing.

I am well pleased with the outcome - hard work but way cheaper than replacements.

both headlamps defuzzed by Teddy Bagshaw, on Flickr

Dip Beam QI only by Teddy Bagshaw, on Flickr

Quartz Dip & LED mains by Teddy Bagshaw, on Flickr
Just need a road test at night!

That's better :D:thumb2

Can't wait to try driving in the dark especially the main beam!

The cooling fans on the back are virtually silent so I am optimistic they will last a couple of years at least. In the previous 5 years I have had two dip beam failures and replaced both main beam bulbs due to heavy blackening/oxidation. These are the LED bulbs I am using. Lots of options in the menu for other fitment types.

They do a lot of options if you have Canbus - more expensive though, the bulbs come with a small wiring harness attached that fits the Jeep, the connector is marked positive & negative so it was easy to connect them the right way first time.

I use these for the indicators - the coating does not come off like the amber painted bulbs.
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It will be interesting to hear what you think about them, I though about them a few years ago but decided to give them a miss because most people were having trouble with really light pattern. I could definitely use a brighter full beam, lots of dark country roads.
Do your lights have a waterproof cap on the back?

I wonder if hazed lights cause premature bulb failure, maybe reflects back too much heat?

I've put the indicator bulbs on the list ready for the next spending session :D:thumb2
I thnnk the quality of LED replacement is improving.

It will be interesting to hear what you think about them, I though about them a few years ago but decided to give them a miss because most people were having trouble with really light pattern. I could definitely use a brighter full beam, lots of dark country roads.
Do your lights have a waterproof cap on the back?

I wonder if hazed lights cause premature bulb failure, maybe reflects back too much heat?

I've put the indicator bulbs on the list ready for the next spending session :D:thumb2

The rear is a semi waterproof fitting not a proper sealed backing cover but there is also a drain hole & pipe !

If the LED dip beam pattern is too scattered I will revert back to Quartz as I don't want everyone flashing me.

The front sidelights are 5w LED capless SMD been in since July 2015 - no flashing issues with them. They cost about £4.00 the pair.

It is possible that the bulb fails are due to overheating from the hazed headlamp lens as you suggest. I'm more inclined to think poor bulb quality or less than perfect connections. The wiring is 15 year old!
Darkness Test done - well pleased!

Just drove round the block as its dark to see what the new bulbs are like, the Quartz Dip beam is much better but very yellow compared to the LED main beam.

The main beam is brilliant compared to what it was - not too much scatter just nice and bright!

I await the delivery of the LED Dip Bulbs with eager anticipation, I hope the dip cut off is okay - I guess I could use some maskers on the lenz if needed to keep them from dazzling folk !