home security

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Mar 14, 2006
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I completed the latest phase of my home security today a 10000 volt electic fence, is this going too far? :nenau :naughty
it is pulsed dc one short pulse per second, so it has the same, throwing you off efect as Ac and running at 1.4 joules, so not deadly
At one time the spot where we store our caravan had a few intruders after high value goods on the hgv parked in there overnight.

When we were about to put the caravan there I asked him if he'd managed to sort things out with security fencing at that end of the yard, "yup" he said, "ever since I electrified it" :D:D:D
At one time the spot where we store our caravan had a few intruders after high value goods on the hgv parked in there overnight.

When we were about to put the caravan there I asked him if he'd managed to sort things out with security fencing at that end of the yard, "yup" he said, "ever since I electrified it" :D:D:D

and it's legal! you only need a notice to warn people every 50 meteres and that's only if it borders a public footpath. We have used all the proper gear, and even signs manufactured to british standard every 25 feet.
and it's legal! you only need a notice to warn people every 50 meteres and that's only if it borders a public footpath. We have used all the proper gear, and even signs manufactured to british standard every 25 feet.

Excellent, as its also his land and not public on the other side of the fence I guess my "landlord" is on firm ground :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2
Central England, in the Heart of the Black Country.. point taken..
though there must be some people that can read..
Youre making a dangerous presumption there...............

A significant proportion of the numpties out there cant think , and thats if they can read, especially in the dark when a lot of these troubled bunnies come out to play ;):D

I think some would see the signs as a chalenge and try to call your bluff!
just have a note on there as well..

part time electric fence..

so punk do you feel lucky.... well do ya??

lol, no it's on full time now, only a 3 watt power consumption so not and environmental disaster. The system is designed for keeping cows in line LOL

Our problem used to be junkies using a public footpath that runs past our side garden to deal drugs it's been over for years now, but recently i've seen lads 'hanging aorund' again so I did it as a precaution.
All sounds good but at the end of the day a bit like intruder alarms, next to useless, we have cattle wire near us and the farmer was not sure if it was working, so I grabbed it for a while and when the pulse I felt did not die, I told him it was OK , he thought I was joking and that it was dead as I had not moved, so he touched the wire gingerly, and jumped three feet into the air, horses for courses, Rick
I will send you a link in a PM, I didnt buy it all specialy as i use thisstuff for other purposes all the time, mainly the jobs it was intended for. :thumbs

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