hi all im new to 4x4

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wow, those pics are great, just goes to show these trucks are capable. i dont even want to do that much with mine, just some gentle lanes to get me going!

I wonder if the rear door was replaced at some time, or stickers added? i suppose best way to check, is to open your bonnet, and see if an I/C has been added! my old Fourtraks used to be in front of the main rad, no bonnet scoop, but its probably just a sticker for show. my Maverick used to have "Turbo" on the back and blue bulbs...jeez:doh

as for the difference between a Terrano and a Terrano 2, the terrano was much boxier and bigger i think, very much like the imports you can get now, see here;

all of the terrano that share body with early mavricks are terrano2

but we call the early square headlights mk1, the twin headlights mk2.
there were two more more subtle versions, 3 and 4 which are like the
2 but grill goes down into bumper, and indicators think on 4 come up
to side of headlights from in the bumper.

lacroupade is best one for these definitions.

think at rear trim around rear lights change and at some point the
discovery styled drop in the tailgate window is lost and becomes
straight across.

its all pretty much cosmetic, though over time the injection systems
change slightly too.

btw the true terrano (1) is the square bodied truck, mainly found in US
sometimes known as a pathfinder one is featured in dr doolittle i think,
though the chassis is related to our terrano2s, ford mavs, nissan mistrals
or R20 as nissan designate them.
yes stanage is one way i think mate but i had to give it a try lol my bad :sly also my logbook says it is a td not a tdi had a look today i will be paying the £10 to be a member soon as i need a look at the rest of the forum just founds are low right now and i have to replace my rear shocks A.S.A.P due to the one i snaped and i have a lot planed for my truck i will be makeing some new bumpers soon for it as well i will take pics and make a guid as i go along for you all

regards brian:thumb2
i = intercooler :thumbs

You need to get yourself to Wales then & do some proper off roading :sly :naughty :D :thumbs
i lived in brymbo at wrexham for a few years mate what part you from ?
oh sorry mate it wos just with you saying get yourself to Wales lol :doh
Thats where i goto enjoy the people, landscape & of course, going off road in style :D

NOWHERE is as good for off roading as Wales :bow in Britain :D :thumbs

I really want some of you to trek across country to see that The Stanage (a very nice lane :thumbs) would be average in Wales :eek:

The lanes in Wales go on for miles (the decent / big 1's) & such varied terrain that you wont find anywhere else in Britain :bow

+ there lanes are always leading onto another & the amount of hard ground between lanes is so minimal :D
well ive got problems at the mo with my truck been out today and it just lost power pulled over and it died got it started again and all power wos gone it wos doing about 5-10mph and then it just took off again and wos ok and after a good few miles it did it again so i need to look in to it tommorow i think
its with the kids off school i have 3 and there wipeing me out lol but i will join next week for sure i think im going to like it round ear :D
i can not post in any of the forums till im a member mate and thats not gonna be till next week i just don,t have the cash right now :(
I've just had a phone call from a member who wanted to pay your membership for you.... have a free 2 months on me to get you going Bri :thumbs
I've just had a phone call from a member who wanted to pay your membership for you.... have a free 2 months on me to get you going Bri :thumbs

:thumbs :clap :bow :clap :thumbs

& ya beat me to it MR? :augie

Ya gonna be laughing when you read the pm i sent you & the post in the mod section that i copied for you :eek: i was thinking of doing it so well done M8 :clap 1 good turn deserves another :thumbs
Thats what makes this club so strong :D
I've just had a phone call from a member who wanted to pay your membership for you.... have a free 2 months on me to get you going Bri :thumbs

wow thanks a lot guys thats so kind of you and a big thanks to the member who made the call as well thank you very much i will join next week as i say this is for sure the best forum ive ever seen on most forums i visit your lucky to get a reply most of the time never mind the way you have all treated me thanks again to you all :thumb2:thumb2:thumb2

regards brian