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Feb 9, 2012
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hi all, joined a short time ago as i had a prolem with my mistral (fuel filter in the diesel pump issue) which with the help from you guys was sorted the next day and is still sorted to date. i have a new problem now, i...er stummbled across a thingy! last time i was on here about converting your viscous fan to an electric one, now ive been round in circles trying to find it! im having real trouble navigating this site... i know its me and not the site...any one help???
got it, thank you soooooo much, whist im here could i ask does any one know what fuel comsuption i shoud be getting from my 94 2.7 mistral, i only use it around town and only get 14-15 mpg!! is this right??? or is somthing amiss !!!
thanks mate, thats cool .... my viscous is on full blast all the time hence needing the link to the electic fan conversion, do you think that could zap that much fuel or / the temp never get above a quarter!!!
you could take off the fan blades for the winter, the fan normally only runs for the first 200 yard from cold, after that only comes on in a heatwave when towing my caravan.

Mine has the intercooler and I get 26mpg around town 30 on a long run and 24mpg towing my small caravan.

thanks bri, a find mentioned that to me but i was worried about over heating,i'll give it a go though, ive just had i look at the fan convertion you sent me, i need to get a piece for a temp switch to go in , would you know the size of the inside of the hose to the rad?