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Well I am going to replace the MAF sensor since that seams to be possibility.
If it fix the hesitation on low rpm 1200 - 1500 then we are going to sell it this is far to much problem car.
It is no way to test the MAF whit out changing it, because it cost arm an a leg here in Iceland approx 153 pounds and no returning since it is electric spare part
Hi Gazz, if it is the bosch maf you can find them on ebay for £40 pounds, if it is an hitatch maf they are easily cleaned by unplugging the wires take out the two screws and the sensor is pulled out. The two elements can be seen, they will look black but a squirt of video head cleaner or alcohol will make them clean and shiny, regards .......bri :smile:
Hello Gazz, You have not had much luck with your truck have you?.

What i can do is offer you this,
If you buy and get it sent to me i will post over to you or, if you wish i can buy it for you and then you pay me.

Just make sure you have searched the maf posts for more information before buying.

Can i take it you have check the down load on the Maf!


I have done that it is all like in the download, so it seams everything is ok
the hitach maf has the name and number written on it. This maf only as three wires to it and the plug is on the side. the element can easily be removed just two screws . The one in the download is not the hitach as fitted to my 1997 terrano. this maf was also fitted to the 1997 maveric . I presume that the one in the download is the bosch. regards bri..... :smile:
Think I may have the same problem, the maf sensor. Its hesitating and feels like its missing at 2000rpm and above. Below 2000rpm its fine as normal.
Hi Nick , it could be water in the fuel pump. Gordon.
gazz said:
Well I am going to replace the MAF sensor since that seams to be possibility.
If it fix the hesitation on low rpm 1200 - 1500 then we are going to sell it this is far to much problem car.
It is no way to test the MAF whit out changing it, because it cost arm an a leg here in Iceland approx 153 pounds and no returning since it is electric spare part
Hi gazz,
Big car big cost, little car little cost, i Hate what mine has cost me? but bear in mind that i've 4 kids so what ever i run will cost the earth?
if your car is costing get it put right, or flog the thing and get a polo or some thing that cost next nothing to run.
Big cars will cost, old big cars will break you? fact they wear out? but nissan's normally wear out slower than other makes,
like me you have bought the car on an exspensive cycle of its life? make the choice repair and live with it? or flog the thing and take a chance on something else?
but whyat ever you choose we are with you and therew are some cracking guys on this website who will help with advice what ever
all the best Big jim
Well I have to fix it before I sell it if I do so ( I still love the looks and handling )
What would you all look at first ?
It hesitates on rev from 1200 rpm to 1500 rpm
Sometimes when I back it it is like the engine is almost stopping ( it is very hard to explain ) but it is like it is overfilling or something
when it is cold starting it is ok and starts instantly but in the first 10 to 20 sec it is like it is not running on all 4 cylinders and bad smell and blue rather than black smoke

This is what I have done
Change the fuel filter
Change the glow plugs
The banjo bolt did not have filter or spring.
I have driven on one can of injector cleaner
Putting in K&N air filter
Done all the checking in the download about the MAF and all same volts

One important thing the car have all the 125 horsepower installed :lol: runs and handles very well ( above 2000 rpm and under 1200 rpm )

All help and suggestions are very much appreciated
big jim have a look at parers and see the cost of road tax for a polo :lol:

you may change your mind a 1.6 petrol costs as much as a terrano :?
It is no problem that the car cost money, if I wanted to have small car I would get one.
But since I did both have Pajero and Land cruiser before the Terrano it came as a very very big surprise how many things is always broken in it.
The driverwindow is not working up only down, the bulbs are blown very easy ( 2 sets of head H4 bulbs this winter ) the mirror switch is out and the digital in the dashboard is on and off and now the engine.
I did not have any problems whit the Pajero over the two years we did have it but the LC did have rear axel problem but nothing els.
Keep it in mind that the Terrano is the youngest and has the fewest km on the meter.
It can be a frustratin feeling, i had it with my first terrano, it seemed i had to fix everyhting (after owning several other jap 4x4's with little incident) radiator, water pump, glow plugs, brakes, hubs, tyres, exhaust, exhaust mounts etc. etc.

it got to the point i was scared to drive it in case i incurred another bill :lol:

but in reality just a run of miss fortune that could have happened to anyone, and maybe with the preivious good experiences of jap 4x4's it was just my turn!

anyway you have my sympathy whatever you decide to do!
Hi Gazz, have you noticed if your "Fault" light is on. The little light I think on the left side of your Dashboard ( correct me if I'm wrong, fellow members, as my truck is an earlier model which does not have this fitted.)
If the "Fault" light is showing, there is a workshop download explaining how to read the fault message without a fault reader.
The only other thing would be to take it to a diesel specialist and have an engine diagnostic test done.
Hope you can find a solution, all the best with your "Problem Child"

Well no code, the local Nissan dealer tells me that no code will com on if the MAF is broken only bad powering and mpg
And the power is ok the mpg is ok only this hesitation in reving up and when cold it shakes all around like it is not running on all 4 cylender.
And some times when I am driving slowly or like reversing to our
trailer ( don´t know the right word but it is for dirt and that kind from the garden ) it sometimes struggles to stay on like it is overfilled
I am going to post little video that shows and hopefully you can hear the hesitation, I will take the video of the dashboard .
Is this possible ? that is send in video
PLANK said:
could this be the number 1 injector?

Good thought Plank,

You can try unplugging the connector to the sensor in number one injector and swap the wires around and reconnect, you should be able to remove the pins from the plug and change them around by pulling the coloured tab out of the plug.
further to my earlier comment, i have discussed this with my son in law Dan the mechanic and Mot tester, and he has only come across 2, T2 TDI's with this problem and they were both needing a number 1 injector.

so maybe worth following tolboxes advice!

well as a rule of thumb its allways worth following advice from toobox :wink: