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Feb 9, 2008
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So this afternoon me the mrs and my younger two kids who live at home with us had a little BBQ.
As we where tucking into our burgers, sausages and steak skewers we got onto the subject of vegan diets.
One thing we couldn't agree on was how vegan sausages are made.
My theory is that they are made from pigs that only eat grass but my kids seem to disagree.
Any experts out there who can prove me right :nenau
I am given to understand that Soya is involved, it can be made into beef steak and you can barely tell the difference, but I will ask my restaurant friends, Rick

Pigs are omnivores. They'll eat anything (including you & your clothes if they smell & taste ok).
Vegan sausages are mainly soya, which in its self is laughable.

To quote a vegan / veggie "I don't eat meat, because I disagree with the killing of animals".

I suggest you look at how & where your soya is grown. They'll cut down thousands of acres of forest to plant. In turn the whole eco system has been destroyed, many thousands of species have been made homeless so you can eat soya based products.
If you wanna weed out the true vegans, give them a few beers then throw a cheeseburger at them. The sister in law is a die hard vegan till she's had a drink, after she'll eat a full bucket of KFC to herself :lol