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OK - found two dead glow plugs so we put a whole new set in - slight improvement!


when revved between 1500-2000 is splutters and blows white smoke. This only seems to be if revved suddenly not it you take it up gradually, unplugging maf doesn't not change the fault ???
OK - found two dead glow plugs so we put a whole new set in - slight improvement!


when revved between 1500-2000 is splutters and blows white smoke. This only seems to be if revved suddenly not it you take it up gradually, unplugging maf doesn't not change the fault ???

Its so quiet on here today :doh someone surely will post soon :rolleyes:

Was it doing that before the plugs were changed?
White Smoke

Normally means that the fuel injected into the cylinder is not burning correctly. The smoke will burn your eyes.
Engine/pump timing out
Fuel starvation to the pump causing the pumps timing not to operate correctly
Low engine compression
Water/petrol in the fuel
Are you doing that rev test when stationary ? if so ignore it and do it again with the truck moving. The ecu uses a different engine tuning map when stationary :)
White smoke, usually air getting into the fuel lines.
Have you recently changed the fuel filter?
Also corroded fuel lines starting at the fuel tank.

Some members, have put in clear fuel line after the filter, so they could see any air in the lines.:thumb2
It was doing it before plugs yes, Should I drive it with the MAF unplugged to see what happens?

Wont do any harm , it'll just be like driving with the brakes on if it's a naf maf :lol
As Rustic says on the white smoke by the way. Also at lower revs anyway, the injectors can produce similar looking smoke.
Wont do any harm , it'll just be like driving with the brakes on if it's a naf maf :lol
As Rustic says on the white smoke by the way. Also at lower revs anyway, the injectors can produce similar looking smoke.

To be honest it just feels a bit lumpy - what does a faulty number 1 injector do?
OK - found two dead glow plugs so we put a whole new set in - slight improvement!


when revved between 1500-2000 is splutters and blows white smoke. This only seems to be if revved suddenly not it you take it up gradually, unplugging maf doesn't not change the fault ???

Unplugging the maf should make it run like old bones, if it's no different I would say your maf has failed, what maf you got, Rick
Have you got under her and had a good look at your fuel lines, as has been said by Rustic (guru), that can give you what your experiencing
Im having the exact same issue at the moment. ... only difference is that mine has the Hitachi setup. Does this change anything?
If you unplug a good maf, petrol or diesel, Bosch or Hittachie it will run like a bag of bones, if unplugging it makes no difference then the maf or the wiring to it is bad, Rick
Ta, Rick, I'll look into getting a new one. is that the same whether its being driven or standing still?

yep, probably nearly undriveable but ecu does go into limp mode, so does get along but slow, as it uses pre installed average reference values, Rick