Help Needed!!! Drove though too deep water

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I was at a pay and play site and wet though too deep a water, my terrano made it out the otherside but is now not running right.

It is a 2.7TDI, just after coming out the water the power seem to drop even though it kept going.

I truned it off and took the air filter out this was wet though. The car would then rev without the air filter in but was a little lumpy and white smoke was coming out the back.

This white smoke cleared after a while, and all seemed fine just heavy down on power. I drove the car home, and put another air filter in and tried to use some electrical cleaner on the MAF sensor, but it still does not run right. I also tried the car without MAF sensor in and I think i feels the same but difficult to tell.

What else can I try, could the turbo have been damaged or something else?? Not really sure what to do next, as dont know much about Diesels.

Sorry for long post just a little worried that it could be an expensive mistake.


deep water...

thats the bit that worries me about going off road..

so my question i..........
how deep IS to deep. i.e whats the T2 rea depth my t2 can drive through with out trouble or any skill...


Ive heard of T's & mavs driving through fords upto and over the bonnet.
But a quick dip through a ford is different to driving up/down a river etc.
Just think of the air box being submerged in water. Can you see where the airway enters/exits air box ? :?
Man to ask is hummingbird. :wink:
not realy, its the standard air box with round filter inside
The intake is in the inside of the wing i think!! :?
Well I have just taken a few bits off to see if I could see anything.

The MAF sensor was a bit muddy and you can see where water has run down the air intake pipe to the turbo.

I measure the MAF voltage as per the download and it was only 1.2volts, and no cleaning was changing it.

It has also get even slower now would only do 40mph. and have to pick revs up to pull away.

Then took intake pipe off turbo and the turbo spins up when the car runs and spins freely by hand.

Then took the intercooler off, does not look like the water got to here. But the interesting thing is I started it up to see if it would still run with the intercooler off (basically would now be running with with the turbo) and it ran better, not nearly as flat pulling away (only moved the car forward and backwards like this). Was thinking it could be just because the engine is not needing to suck though the turbo. You could also near the turbo when it was being reved.

I have boost gauge in the car and the boost is now only getting to 4psi , where as normally it would get to 13psi. How could the MAF sensor reduce the boost, it could be making the ECU go into a safe mode. But cant understand how it could restrict the boost.

My worry is that there could be a major problem with the turbo or engine. How can you test if the turbo is working correctly??


how low down the wing is the intake is it posable to lift this up at all.

ive thought about the K&N 57i, would this lift it up at all too

yes airintake goes to the wing. but this went over the bonnet and was muddly in the bottom so slow progress was made though the 10metre length on water.
zippy656 said:
how low down the wing is the intake is it posable to lift this up at al..

ive thought about the K&N 57i, would this lift it up at all too

A K&N 57i is far worse in deep water as it has no protection as water does get chucked all over the place by the fan :roll: I'm now running a K&N filter but it's a replacement one which fits into the standard air box, but I have found at the bottom of the air box there is a 1" hole so am going to block it up with a gromet to try & keep water out :roll:

Hi gavhowe, The MAF unit tells the ECU how much fuel is needed, When mine slowly died I bit the bullet & got a new one & the difference was amazing, so you may have killed the MAF which I hope thats all that wrong :smile: If you still have the intercooler off I would give it a clean out with parafin as it made a small difference on mine. There is a threat on this I started up a few months back
Hi Guy's, sounds like the MAF has had it. From what you have said about the location of water then I think you may well of had a lucky escape. Personally I would bite the bullet and purchase a new Maf (correct type of course) and see how it goes.
The air intake is behind the n/s head lamp in the void under the wing behind the plastic mud guard. I think the Handbook states the max wading depth is 450MM but a lot of people here (me included) have been deeper. In theory you create a bow wave with a cavity behind it, just where the important bits are but as you said you were probably going too slow for that. There are one or two recent threads regarding snorkels if you have a look around. Raising the air intake is one thing but there are other components that can drowned too.

Jim T
Yes am going to go get a new MAF tomorrow. As tried cleaning it some more and now get 0 Volts on the test.

:?: How slow was everyone elses Terrano with the MAF uppluged???

As I struggled to get over 40mph. and was lumpy at tickover.

Was also thinking about the boost pressure issue. As the throttle is not manually controlled if the ECU gets a bad signal from the MAF. I bet it does not open the throttle fully even if you have your foot down. This would explain why the boost level is low, as the engine is not pumping enough air to spin the turbo up to the higher boost levels.
Limp home mode :roll:

Two sorts of MAF, I think they are Hitachi and Bosch.

Jim T
and regarding the filter position, they normally suck from in the wing, but I have had issues with water in that position before. I was entering a water hole via a bank and due to the angle, the intake in the wing was dangously close as the manvouer was being done slowly to avoid damage.

The filter on mine is rerouted to suck from the top corner of the engine bay 1" from bottom of bonnet and 2" from the bulk head (high point in engine bay). This has been great for water crossings till today. The water must have been nearly up to the top of the bulk head for it to get in the intake. The engine bay is all brown looking at it closly, lucky I get though it really.

Note to self: when using pay and play site after heavy rain, dont be the first though a hole that you have not seem anyone else use.
mines a bosch as I had ordered one in the past when i had another issue, but never went and picked it up as it turned out to be something else.

Wish I had got it now :(

Limp home mode or Safe mode
gavhowe said:
and regarding the filter position, they normally suck from in the wing, but I have had issues with water in that position before. I was entering a water hole via a bank and due to the angle, the intake in the wing was dangously close as the manvouer was being done slowly to avoid damage.

I know exactly what you mean it was a similar manouver this weekend that stoped my Mav. Dropping into a very steep ford realy slowly. The coil is even in the same corner but lower down on petrols (of my year at least) and she just stopped dead with the coil (and probably the dizzy) immersed in water. I'd had a missfire for a while that day and it turns out I was running on battery power only with no alternator. With full spark may have been able to keep her running but just died instantly and had to be towed out to dry out. In the end we took a closer look and decided the ford was too deep and fast for us to do sensibly. Deep or fast would have been ok but not both and we had some pretty decent trucks with us. No shame in turning round - far more shame in over reaching yourself and killing your truck.
gavhowe said:
mines a bosch as I had ordered one in the past when i had another issue, but never went and picked it up as it turned out to be something else.

Wish I had got it now :(

Limp home mode or Safe mode

Safe Mode, makes it sound like a well known software company. Can't be safe mode cos it works :lol: :lol: :lol:
time for a snorkel , very true,

but what else is needed....

also a cheap enough snorkel would be a good start too
Baxter said:
time for a snorkel :smile:

Wouldn't have helped it was electrics that stopped me.

Don't get me wrong I want one but it has to be the right one, bits of drain pipe don't float my boat and have too many joints in for my liking.
I agree on the snorkel, I want one, but it would have a factory look and not just some plastic pipe.

but to be honest it does not do the truck much good, going though too deep a water, even if it keeps going.

The offroad vehicles not submarines.

That has made me think, I had better check the front mounted winch is still working, as better to find out now than when I need it.

Just hope it is that Bl**dy MAF sensor causing all the problems.


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