Hi and welcome, i've also just joined and have a 99 2.8 patrol :clap awesome trucks, looking for a swb 2.8 to keep it company lol.
Did you buy the swb one that was for sale on ebay in merseyside? Was looking at that one but was too far for me
So am I right in thinking that the oil leaking out is gearbox oil? Forgive my ignorance but I assumed what was leaking out was from the hub. :nenau
Nope, diff oil from the front axle bud, it's the driveshaft seal that's leaking.
Like I said, there's no oil in the swivel hub, just a bit of grease on the CV joint.
:doh diff oil, of course! is this something worth tackling by a home mechanic or are there specialist tools required ie bearing press tools? BTW thanks for your advice on the hub kits. I was about to drop nearly double that price on a kit.
No bother bud, wish I'd found it before I got mine done last year as all the garage could find then was the double price kit and it was so close to Wales Trip 2014 that I didn't have time to source a cheaper one!
I think it can be done with normal tools, have never tried it myself but I think some of the other Y60/Y61 members have managed it. Check out patrol4x4.com and nissanpatrol.au forums (the Aussies love Trols) as there'll be more info on there. Like I said I was happy to let the garage do it as I'd heard from the Aussies that the axle seal was a bit of a barsteward!
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