hello from sunny norfolk (and my 4x4 problems)

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rag1873 said:
I was secretly hoping that the repair wouldnt work coz then you could buy my Terrano instead!! Boo hoo!!
Joking... Glad its all gone well, hopefully you'll start to see what these motors are capable of now!!
Early days yet anything could happen Off to take it for a spin round the fiels now so fingers crossed :lol:
have FUN... im sure all is ok.. dod you pay with chickens and egss, or that horrible cash in the end??

if you get stuck get the turkeys to sit on the roof rails and flap there wings.. should help!

not sure but i think some one had a set for a LWB for sale earlyer

could ahve been ebay though ( ps can't pay with chikens on there )

Hey willow, you got those hubs fitted yet??????

I got mine locked ready for tomorrow, I'm just hoping that my daughters school is closed as daddy will have to stay home to look after her :wink:

Yep Jim
Got my manuals fitted yesterday :lol:
Nice quiet drive home no noises.
Locked it into 4wheel drive this morning and took it round the field got the feeding done really quick -dance-
Hope you get to play tomorrow it looks like the snow is comming your way :wink:
None here just wet and muddy :lol:
Thanks long live the manuals :lol:
Does this spell the end of this post then :cry:

It's been fun while it lasted

At the end of the day Willow now has a servicable truck that can go ANYWHERE :lol: :lol:


i don tthink it would be fair to Willow if we didnt keep this one going..

but then my lady might go off us lot, now shes all sorted out

No way Zippy
Its a great laugh here and loads of info and help
How could I go off you lot :lol:
Already booking hols around meeting dates.
Hoping to get going at the national rally in lincs thats not too far from me
And if that goes well and the terrano behaves I was going to venture further down your way. Dates for the national rally are 3/4/5/6/ july I think :?: so dont make your met in this week . :smile:
What about late august :?:
Theres another met going on up north so not sure when that is.
So this is it then the close of this thread

For now :smile: :smile: :lol: :lol: -wor- -wor- -cheers-
Ok :lol: :lol:
I havent given it a good try out yet if I can sort out my camara and get the pics on
Ill take a photo of my new hubs in action this week end :wink:
Watch this space :smile: :wink:
willow said:
Ok :lol: :lol:
I havent given it a good try out yet if I can sort out my camara and get the pics on
Ill take a photo of my new hubs in action this week end :wink:
Watch this space :smile: :wink:

Ok once you sucessfully post a photo of you and your truck actively working we can ask a mod to lock this thread :smile:

Until then -mex-


willow said:
quote]Sorry wrong place too big :oops:
Sorry about last to posts there in the wrong place I will try and delete and move them, photo of my mum and dad on my ferrgie :smile:
jims-terrano said:
I'm still not convinced the infamous brake rings aren't broken. I would personally remove the auto lockers and check the brake rings. You don't need to jack the car up or remove the wheels to do this. There are many threads on this subject so it might be worth having a browse if you haven't already. I got sick of mine keep playing up so I bought manuals and haven't looked back.

Jim T

With manual hubs am I right in thinking that;

1. They can be locked when already in the slippy stuff
2. They can be locked before going into the slippy stuff
3. They must be unlocked when on the hard stuff

If so is there not a danger that you could misjudge when to unlock them and risk transmission wind-up when say you are driving from one greenlane to another on a tarmac road?

I believe that the auto hubs have usually broken the snap rings to prevent transmission wind up whereas manual hubs do not have this protection, therefore is it wise to recommend the more novice 4x4 drivers to fit manual hubs and expose them to this risk?

My point is this, if someone's well maintained snap rings have broken is this not due to the fact that they should have disengaged FWD earlier than they did? If so what is to stop them forgetting to unlock the manual hubs and risk more expensive damage?

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