Hello from North Norfolk

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
hello everyone, my names tom, im 19, and as you can see i live in north norfolk

ive been driving a suzuki vitara the past fews months, its a great little car and i love driving it offroad, only problem i didnt like driving it for long distances. so the last few weeks ive been looking to change to a diesel, ive looked at fourtraks, but most of them are over priced for what you get. then as a chance i started looking at terrano 2s and mavericks. i used to drive a little nissan micra, and i know theres a big difference between driving a little hatch and a 4x4 but it was a fantastic well built car and always wanted another nissan. anyway, after trawling the usual sites a saw a '98 maverick, 90K on the clock, all the usual mod cons, 3 previous owners, full service history and a confirmed mileage for £2250. at that price i thought something would be wrong with it, but me and my dad went and have a look. first impressions were it was a very tidy car, but after test driving it we noticed something wrong. after further inspection we noticed the rear prop uj had virtually gone.

only a few weeks previous, my dads van (ldv cub: nissan vanette)) had the same problem. nissan said that they couldnt supply justa uj and he would need a whole prop for over £500. he took it to our local mechanic who sourced a uj and fitted it for £70.

back to the mav. we told the guy selling it that the car would need a new uj and worse case being it would need a full prop, which might cost £500. he said that he didnt know it had failed but wouldnt mind having a deal if i could find an exact price for repairing the uj. the next day i phoned busseys ford and asked them about the uj, they said i would need a new prop for £544. so i phoned the guy back and told him this. his local mechanic comfirmed this. we went for a second viewing, looked over the car one last time and brought the car for £1750

after we got it home, i took the car around to our mechanic who says he can fix it for about £70. hes also going to service it and give it a good check over for any faults.

just spoke to him a minute ago and hes going to fix the uj tomorrow but he did find a few minor faults. the main one being, some numpty has tried removing a glow plug and failed, resulting in snapping the end off. he said he could drill it out and but doesnt want to risk bits falling into the cyclindor. he also said the others are also looking a bit rough, but should last.

still, i think ive got myself a bargain there. im buying a set of cooper s/t's off a mate soon and im hopefully taking it to wales in december to do some greenlaning. anyway, ill shut up now


tom 8)
Hi Whatmot & wellcome to the club :smile: It's nice to see you've come over from the other place where we have spoke before about the uj & should you go for the motor. I think it looks realy nice & for the price you payed you've done well :smile:
welcome whatmot

nice motor you should enjoy the club and the guys(and girls) who make it what it is.

just dont be afraid to ask any question even if they sound stupid or trivial were here to help.

Hello whatmot. Welcome. I will at photo to the gallery when i get home from work later. Mav

Hi wellcome to club . Good Motor ' Good Price' Good Luck'
Regards ALAN
Welcome aboard you will be good company for our mate Mundy I think he is of a simmilar age group and a T2 and Trooper affectionado!

you sound like you have your head screwed on about mechanical stuff stuff so these teething problems shouldn't hold you back!

you will get better MPG and lower insurance compared to your vitara for a start!
it is nice to know a rough age profile of our members and I must admit, I am allways impressed by the contributions of younger members who remind me of what a twit i was when i was younger, no comments on the present please :roll: