I have a year 2000 terrano 2 2.7tdi. I believe the heater matrix may be shot (although I hope not, cos I.ve seen what's involved in replacing it
Symptoms: gurgling noise from behind glove box, especially if engine under load, steamed up windows +++, smell of coolant when heater on, drips on passenger carpet, but NO significant loss of coolant.
From reading previous posts, the first thing to try is K-seal. I can't find this in Ireland. They only sell Radweld. I have ordered some from the UK, but it takes anything up to a week to get here, and I need transport.
My question is, can I bypass the heater totally. Will this solve the problem of steamed up windows and allow me to drive the car temporarily until it is fixed? Will this damage the engine or confuse the ecu? (I don't have a/c). And finally, can I buy a kit to do this, or do I just have to botch it with whatever pipe i can lay my hands on. (Does anyone know the size of the heater pipes?)
Sorry for all the questions
I have a year 2000 terrano 2 2.7tdi. I believe the heater matrix may be shot (although I hope not, cos I.ve seen what's involved in replacing it
Symptoms: gurgling noise from behind glove box, especially if engine under load, steamed up windows +++, smell of coolant when heater on, drips on passenger carpet, but NO significant loss of coolant.
From reading previous posts, the first thing to try is K-seal. I can't find this in Ireland. They only sell Radweld. I have ordered some from the UK, but it takes anything up to a week to get here, and I need transport.
My question is, can I bypass the heater totally. Will this solve the problem of steamed up windows and allow me to drive the car temporarily until it is fixed? Will this damage the engine or confuse the ecu? (I don't have a/c). And finally, can I buy a kit to do this, or do I just have to botch it with whatever pipe i can lay my hands on. (Does anyone know the size of the heater pipes?)
Sorry for all the questions