Headlight Upgrades

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2012
Anyone done an Upgrade on the headlights?
I was thinking of using some Super White Zenon type Bulb replacements, but don't know which to go for!
Yup' Nightbreakers are the ones, very reasonable price on ebay. Bri
yup, its a mod i'm needing to do to:doh as the standard lights are like candles:augie
just ordered some off ebay tonight as been meaning to for a while now rabbits beware:lol
Def. Nightbreakers - got them in my Spanish T2 (headlights and illegal spotlamps) and my UK Honda Jazz (even worse standard headlights than a T2), best you can get without going to xenon discharge.
Def. Nightbreakers - got them in my Spanish T2 (headlights and illegal spotlamps) and my UK Honda Jazz (even worse standard headlights than a T2), best you can get without going to xenon discharge.

What? The jazz headlights are great :eek:
Headlight Upgrade

I ordered the bulbs off ebay as well!
Thanks guys
I looked at HB4 Night Breakers but wow! what a price, nearly 3x times the price of H4's!!! Whats that about?
Is there an alternative for the HB4 driving lamps????
Is the TDi a HB4 for the fogs? I'm fairly sure the old TD with the square fogs is H1 with the main headlights being H4

Worth a check at least to save money!
Mines a 96 SWB Maverick 2.7 TDi with round lights, deffo HB4's in Driving Lamps.

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