Headlight bulbs

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
What are the brightest bulbs that I can get for my square light terrano. Obviously still needs to be legal :D:augie
What are the brightest bulbs that I can get for my square light terrano. Obviously still needs to be legal :D:augie
Hi, most people have up graded to Night Breakers or something like that.:confused:
What are the brightest bulbs that I can get for my square light terrano. Obviously still needs to be legal :D:augie
I've got Osram Nightbreakers on mine, standard 60/65w but really bright. I tried various 90/100w ones, but they were no better than ordinary ones. The Nightbreakers are the best you can get without going to a Xenon conversion.
You can get them off eBay for around £13 a pair.
I put some ring xenon ultima lamps in mine about two weeks ago, as i wasnt happy with standard (might just be my night vision) much much better and they where on offer in motorworld reduced from about £20 to about £14.
Has anyone worked out why terrano headlights are so poor ? I tried several different bulbs in my old t2, and have put nightbreakers in the maverick, but I don't think the improvement was all that great.
Is it possible to dismantle Tdi headlights to clean the inside of the glass and the reflectors, or are they sealed units like Tdi ones ?
Has anyone worked out why terrano headlights are so poor ? I tried several different bulbs in my old t2, and have put nightbreakers in the maverick, but I don't think the improvement was all that great.
Is it possible to dismantle Tdi headlights to clean the inside of the glass and the reflectors, or are they sealed units like Tdi ones ?
They're not sealed per se, but the glass is bonded to the reflector with a type of silicone (I found this out when one of my lenses became detached from the reflector, I used silicone to refix it). It might be possible to separate the two, but it will come down to which is the stronger, the glass or the silicone - if the silicone is the stronger and the glass breaks that will mean a new headlight, not really worth the risk.
What I found when the glass fell out of mine was that the reflector and the inside of the glass were quite clean, so I think the poor performance is simply down to the design, so better bulbs is really the best way forward.
If they really do need cleaning probably the best way is to remove the headlight, tape over the sidelight hole, fill it with warm soapy water and swish it around, then leave it to dry in a warm place. :thumb2
Terranical (Bruce)
I know the reflectors become faded and loose the mirror effect. I've replaced mine. Made a difference but still crap:augie
I have fitted the Phillips +100% bulbs (mentioned in another thread somewhere) and I think they are very good. My complaint with the T2 lights is the high beam pattern is awful - dark holes in it !! Dipped beam is not as bad.

if you want to clean the inside of your head lights take them off and poor some crushed ice in them give them a good shake for a couple of minutes, job done you will be amazed at the difference after cleaning 12 plus years of condensation and crap off the internal glass and reflector

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