Going to have a go at having the hazard lights turning on when in reverse, it's the one with the switch in the radio, read somewhere here the wire I need to get feed to, just can't find it now.
Anyone know which wires they are?
Ah, but, look you, I see some modern cars have their hazards that go on automatically when they brake hard :augie
Ah, but, look you, I see some modern cars have their hazards that go on automatically when they brake hard :augie
I don't know mate but I think it's a new EU bolognaise of an idea. Hazards only come on when ABS activated I think. To do with all the tailend smashes on motorways, so dozy driver suddenly wakes up too close to the bumper in front, slams on the anchors and the silly sod behind him again parks in his boot
EU says hazzards go on in that case. BMW and Volvo fit them amongst others I'm sure. Google it and be depressed
don't think I will bother, too many other more important things to do, worst thing we ever did was join those idiots accross the water, they are all sick and we have suffered as a result, Rick
kinky bananas:sly
I don't know mate but I think it's a new EU bolognaise of an idea. Hazards only come on when ABS activated I think. To do with all the tailend smashes on motorways, so dozy driver suddenly wakes up too close to the bumper in front, slams on the anchors and the silly sod behind him again parks in his boot
EU says hazzards go on in that case. BMW and Volvo fit them amongst others I'm sure. Google it and be depressed
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