have you read this ??

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It all stinks, I just want to lead a simple life and if I choose not to talk to a asian, african, muslim, catholic, black, white, then it should be my RIGHT to do so... On the other hand I wouldnt give a shite if they didnt want to talk to me, everyone to their own thing I say... simples

But heres one that always sticks in my crawl.

If I walk into a hospital and call a asian a Bla£k Arsehole then I am a rascist, but its ok for a asian to sit there and call me a arsehole in his own language and unless I can translate it I dont know what hes saying, theres a good old fashioned saying "when in Rome do as the romans do" rings true for me

I tend to agree with much of what youre saying. I have never been an egg and chips man whilst in spain and i try (not very well ) to speak the lingo. That has got me cred with the locals on many occasions (the raw meat sandwiches are another story :eek:) and I would expect anyone over here to follow that principle too.

As far as people speaking in their own language, I often have a bit of a cynical chuckle when the aleged foreigner speaks English and their won whilst the pure Brit can only manage english.

I have met racist non white english folk and have made my thoughts about their attitudes very clear :thumb2

I make no bones about it we have had a builder doing some work for us. His work ethos and attitude is polar opposite to the one we had in last year. You probably know just what Im going to say here..............this years is a pole and last years was a local lad aka complete cock. We paid both the same rate , only problem we've had with this years is he's busy with so much stuff working hard that when the job overran , our fault, we had to wait to get him back. last years arse ,well, we couldnt get him out of the bookies after we'd paid him :doh

Well Im sure his Dad will be there for him all the way :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs :thumbs

Times a great healer, but it takes longer than most people think and the smallest thing can set things off again,

Good luck and all the best tezzer[/QUOT

thank you, we are off to see him tomorrow, he lives in Hertfordshire so only an hour away, taking his sister and her 2 kids, my mum, he will probably be out of it for awhile because of the medication, doctors want him to rest, so we wont stay to long, :thumbs
not sure if am allowed to post this here but this site i came across opens a few eyes about the state of the country and were everyone is being hoodwinked http://www.tpuc.org/

now please dont play if you get angry easily and ae easily offended

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/cetGUdada8g?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/cetGUdada8g?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

how can these people walk the streets of the uk :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::nono:nono:nono:nono:nono:nono:nono:nono:nono:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead
kbekl what makes me laugh about these so called extremists demonstrate is they always protest in english,,,,,,,surely if they are so extreme they should speak in thier mother tongue so as to 1 we cant undrstand as to insult us and 2 so we cant understand as to insult us, theyre just bored students that think they have something to say, it does piss me off they were just led away instead of being arrested as if it was white students doing the same thing the racism card would have been played
absolutly horrified!

why was that demonstration left to go on for so long.
was that a racist attack i just saw on that short video clip?
the problem is that the british public are to complacent, we allow and tollerate to much !
time for a stand, look at the french and be inspired.
i thought i would never say that, but has the time come?
one of the first opening line of met police training with new recruits is
"when the revolution comes......"
so guess what they are expecting?
is it time, or are we all gonna be sheep and follow the goverment and be even more tollerent?:doh
kbekl what makes me laugh about these so called extremists demonstrate is they always protest in english,,,,,,,surely if they are so extreme they should speak in thier mother tongue so as to 1 we cant undrstand as to insult us and 2 so we cant understand as to insult us, theyre just bored students that think they have something to say, it does piss me off they were just led away instead of being arrested as if it was white students doing the same thing the racism card would have been played

Perhaps english is their main language :nenau he was speaking clearer than a lot of "Brits" Ive met. Mind you if theyd used a a language we didnt understand our very own racists would have had another complaint to field.

You just cant say that the racist card would have been played if white students were doing the same thing.

Having said all of that, there's absolutely no way that demo should have been allowed to go ahead. They were very careful from the bit of the clip I could be bothered to watch not to stray into anything that was racially motivated.

You have to understand the police on occasions like this are in between a rock and a very hard place. It is not (no pun intended) black and white. When paople say "arrest them" and nothing happens there's whinges and moans but nothing constructive forthcoming. Its the tolerant society we live in that gives you your freedom that also enables tham to take the p.

What offences would you suggest they have committed that they could have been arrested for R1cho :confused:
Breach of the peace

Dubious if there was a breach of the peace occuring (believe it or not it appears in that clip to actually be a lawful protest), in any case almost certainly insufficient to warrant interupting the silence which otherwise was very diginified and showed the protesters up as the arseholes they are.
You also cannot lock em up for BofP after the occurrence :thumb2
The point I was trying to make is that they were actually making a lawful protest and theoretically at least voicing their concerns.

Things arent always what you think you see, bigger picture and all of that.

Where the cops would have been looking carefully would be for elements of the public order act (4a & 5) to be present or on a simpler level take them for incitement of breach of the peace.

However you still then have to consider the impact of the cops battling during the silence with a large group of protesters when it would take at least 2 cops per protester to drag them away.

Whats the way then................maybe sneaky quietly ..............lead them away at the end once theyve made complete cocks of themselves.........then report them lock em up if they cant be id'd ;)

Win Win, dignified silence which represents the majority of the british public & protesters heading into the criminal justice system :thumb2

Theyve also shot themselves in the foot because there is now evidence on the individuals to assist in other bits of legislation, which need corroboration , to be enforced. eg stopping protests being held
they can be arrested under the terrorism act as they dont need evidence for that lol

no evidence required................yes please :thumb2

Could be useful at times. Ive seen a lot of bad taste xmas jumpers being worn at times ...........finally able to do something about it :D:D
Think I have the answer to whats going on in this country of ours, with all the problems going on with Immigrants, Police not able to arrest, no jobs, increased costs, etc etc, Buy a boat and find a little bit sea and drop anchor ... all ok if you like fish. Knowing my luck Id be doing this and the coastguard would be bringing some court papers cause Ive broken this and that law. :lol :lol :lol :lol
Think I have the answer to whats going on in this country of ours, with all the problems going on with Immigrants, Police not able to arrest, no jobs, increased costs, etc etc, Buy a boat and find a little bit sea and drop anchor ... all ok if you like fish. Knowing my luck Id be doing this and the coastguard would be bringing some court papers cause Ive broken this and that law. :lol :lol :lol :lol

Just pretend you're Icelandic......:D
This is a difficult thread as always; some folks on here have definite views on the subject for understandable personal reasons, others maybe not so.

All I would say is we are where we are. Sending people home isn't an option. And you DO have to look backwards because not only did this country spend 200 years or more raping the shite out of areas like the Indian sub-continent then walk away (so yes, we owe some of them) but many many thousands of such people died in both world wars defending this country, and many thousands more are making an important contribution to the finances of this country.

And as has been said, theres hardly a man here who's bloodline hasn't been 'corrupted' somewhere along the way by continental or irish, so exactly what the hell is a 'true brit'?

And as for that muslim demo....for every one like that you can find just as many, if not more, involving whites....for example, what would our views have been if last weeks student violence had been a muslim-led demo? Or the little white creep who stood giving a nazi salute a year or two ago at a Remembrance Sunday parade, or the three white teenagers who smashed up a graveyard near me a few weeks ago, smashing 55 headstones to pieces....what if they had been muslims?

Fact is, whether we like it or not, for historical reasons we are a multicultural society - and thats irreversible....so we have to get used to it and be tolerant folks, thats all I'm saying.

Thats my soapboax bit done :thumb2
just show you how stupid this country is becoming, as you know my son and workmate were attacked at work by a black gang, well police arrested two of them and let them go on bail, now another 2 colleagues have had a near miss, 4 blacks with masks tried to run then down, and today the boss received a letter containing a message that they are all going to die, so what happens now :nenau obviously the police now have the letter but they don't, keep you informed. :doh
Farm Life

We have a couple of pigs here on the farm,one is called Mohamed - does that count as a statistic ? The other is called Fatima and we think she is pregnant.Any suggestions on names for the piglets?:augie
Thank feck its the most popular name in England:lol:lol:lol

I went into a new muslim clothes shop that opened in Glasgow, I asked if they sold bomber jackets.
I got thrown out:doh

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