Happy but feeling a bit daft.

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Sep 6, 2008
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Ive been watching my fuel consumption. Now everything working (intercooler etc) I was happy with 30mpg on the onboard comp which is fairly accurate.

However its US gallons , to convert to UK mpg its x 1.2 so ive actualy been getting 36mpg .............. fantastic :clap:clap:clap:clap:clap
i might try converting mine to US gallons and see if it helps, could it be set for Japanese gallons? :augie
very true :thumb2

factored that one in fortunately , the speedo & sensor/pickup are calibrated for uk :thumb2 on board computer calibrated for US and metric. What a mess :D
Isn't that why NASA "missed" Mars a few years back :augie Something to do with them converting imperial to metric but not US imperial :lol
Blinking plums :stupid
say what?:nenau

didt know the figure but they are different i was told :nenau same as shoe sizes ;)

I did initially think zippy and whoever told me was taking the piss but when i looked it up it was to do with the US "standardising" the yard (who do they think they are :naughty) and they used to be different :thumb2

It meant the US mile was about 2 inches less and that led to shall we say international navigation problems but apparently thats been sorted now and theyre all the same.

I guess the space program is still confused.

Many a word said in jest eh ;)
ps just to confuse the fcuk out of things apparently there used to be a Scottish and Irish mile as well :doh

2240yds to be exact. Designed to send English soldiers way past where the rebels were hiding.lol Could also explain how so many "incursions" were made South of the border in the bad old days:)
Then there's cornish miles...

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Back in the day - when I was a lad - late 1950's - we used to go to Cornwall for the hols during factory shut down. It was 11 hour journey from the Midlands! Epic.

IN Cornwall it seemed to us that all of the signposts were underestimates of the true distance. We had a standing family joke about it. Or maybe the Morris was just very very slow.