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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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does halfords sell the correct rear ls diff oil?
leamington one doesent they even rang castrol to check they will order it in though!
My local Halfords doesn't and had to look up what it ment,young student!! got my oil at my local A1 motor store £3.50 per 1ltr bottle :lol:
My local Halfords don't stock it either & just scratched their heads :roll: So went to a small car parts place not far from me & asked & got told they did'nt stock it but he would order some & if I popped back in 2 hours he would have it :roll: Think I paid £3 a litre :?
went looking gear oil today local factors only had stuff i was looking in 0.5l bottles and didnt have enough..

went to halfrauds had it in 1l bottles problem was it was £6.99 a pop 8O
not wanting to sound rude, but i find halfords an absolute waste of time, a shop for boy racers wanting the latest neons or other pocket money gadgets. Go to a motor factor, that supplies to the trade there is one in every town they will look up the correct stuff for you and get it in if they haven't got it.
i dunno halfords handy due to hours they open 9 times outve ten i run outve something or something breaks at awkward times theyve suprised me managed to get disks pads for inca van on sunday afternoon once as no one told me breaks were shot untill i jumped in it to do something same with fan belt for maverick they had it in stock i couldve fallen over!
PLANK said:
not wanting to sound rude, but i find halfords an absolute waste of time, a shop for boy racers wanting the latest neons or other pocket money gadgets. Go to a motor factor, that supplies to the trade there is one in every town they will look up the correct stuff for you and get it in if they haven't got it.

Now sit down Plank, I'm going to agree with you again.

Halfrauds in my experience are rubbish and over priced at that, (their pro range of tools are worth a look though).

Andrew Page are worth a shout if you're in the North of England they have branches all over and te bigger ones hold mega stock as its them that supply all the local indpendents on a same day basis.

I'm lucky enough to live near 2 places which are probably the best in Leeds

Auto Spares Kippax - who aren't on line


RU Motoring who emailed the club sometime back IIRC, can't remember the details though.

For some strange reason these 2 places have developed about 2 miles from each other and outside the main block of the Leeds built up area and they knock the spots off most of there competition city wide, I've known people travel from the other side of Leeds to get to em.

Both carry massive stocks of parts but have a big showroom of all the consumables, lubes, paints and tools etc. To give you an idea was doing brakes on the van day after boxing day, they had both F & R pads in stock and the Renault Master specific caliper rewind tool, and I just couldn't have done the rears without it - needed van followig day too.

Open your yellow pages or get onto yell.com and start looking, you probably won't be as lucky as me but there are far better places than Halfrauds in every town and city - and they're usually ex-trade too so can and are usually willing to give you good advice, not some spotty oik with a chavved up corsa like somewhere else we know.
I bought a lovely socket set from halfords once with a life time guarantee!

the ratchet broke, they replaced it

broke again, replaced again

broke again, no chance!

apparent.ly they are not supposed to be used for hammering 15 mm rawl bolt cages into 14mm holes, arent some people picky it said nothing about this on the guarantee :?
snap on wouldve told u to go forth and mulitply an buy a ratchet repair kit lol!
I agree with ANDREW PAGE......if they have not got it in they will have within 24 hrs. Plus you can get your gear oil in 5lts, [if you want]which I have recently.
I am also lucky to have 2 Nissan dealers fairly close to me. :lol:
thanx 4 all the help boyz i'll look @ suggested places
i needed a new air filter while on holiday (long story), went to halfords because that was the closest place: didnt stock it. when i went home, went to wilco motor factors: the shop was an 1/8 of the size and they had my air filter. some things they are good on, but if i want real advise on my car i always use wilco or another motorfactor. most of the time they are a lot cheaper. my friend works at halfords, and she hardly knows anything about cars. sorry, just my opinion
jace said:
snap on wouldve told u to go forth and mulitply an buy a ratchet repair kit lol!

funy you should say that but i recently bought a new snap on ratchet that came with not one but 2 repair kits, anyway i have an onld snap on ratchet (probably 1970's that hadn't worked for years and guess what? the rapair kit for a new one has fixed it!

so snap on- 1 , halfords 0 :lol:
When my Dad passed away I got his tools from when he worked at Rolls Royce he had a 1/4 drive ratchet that packed up from snap-on I got it all replaced FOC :smile:
when i had that conversation with the snap on man he was trying to buy the ratchet off me as it had some historical interest for him (i never found out what) but he did afterwards give me a replacment repair kit FOC, I still have it i may try and track down its history as i havent used it in ages.
few types snap-on euro stuff,canadian and usa but bet older stuffs better quality as with everything!

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