Groups and People to be aware of

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2009
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Just a heads up on two organisations to be aware of who are entirely and totally opposed to MPV use on rights of way.

They are;
Michael Bartholemew, North Yorks anti MPV,
Link to some information LAF N.Yorks.
and if you read this, there are some interesting comments.

Max Grant NWAIMOR, wolf in sheeps clothing, appearing to be reasonable but their aims are to remove MPV from North Wales rights of way.
Link to recent document. The landrover shown is on a legal track in derbyshire, not north wales, the stone is gritstone rather than granite. 11.pdf

Link to recent meeting in north wales, NWAIMOR were present and gave a talk on their aims etc......

dangerous and organised against MPV use on RoW..............
can you give a breif, run down of what these docs contain, im not the best reader and dont understand tech terms

give us an idiots guide...... please dave

Max Grant, secretary of NWAIMOR, look up the anacronism is you want to know what it stands for.
Basically, they campaign for sensible and sustainable use of rights of way, but also against 4x4 on RoW because they believe that there is no place for the likes of us.

I've linked max grant and mike bartholomew because initially, NWAIMOR was set up by bartholomew, to replicate what was happeneing in north yoks.

bartholomew is the main driving force behind the TRO's in north yorks, he's the one person you can hang the trouble MPV users have had and the single person who has influenced the councils against MPV use in north yorks. He's trying that in north wales through max grant/nwaimor.

The bottom line is, both these individuals and their small but noisy groups are working behind the scenes carefully and quietly to influence councils, national parks and government to eradicate not only MPV but also cyclists and horse riders from rights of way.

The links will tell you more if you want to know.

The reason I've put this thread here is as a warning, we're not just up against the ramblers, who by the way, see both grant and bartholomew as extreme, these two head a very serious opposition and use reasonable argument, twisted tho it may be, to support their points of view. They are genuinely totally opposed.
So how does this affect you?

Directly, not at all,
Indirectly, if we don't get people to become interested in taking part in local access forums in the areas where these people are active in order to offer a different point of view, then we leave the floor open for the arguments of the anti's to win the day.

North Wales, I try to cover that area, and have to a fair degree, negated grant's efforts and exposed him and his personal heritage, contacts and history, to be honest, the local authorities RoW officers are also aware of him and keep him at arms length.

North Yorks, I can't get that far, so if there's anyone here who is interested in getting involved in the north yorks local access forum then go for it!

The key is, be aware, and if you possibly can, please wherever you are, get involved, otherwise in the next 10 years or so, we may not have any lanes left to enjoy..................

Max Grant, secretary of NWAIMOR, look up the anacronism is you want to know what it stands for.
Basically, they campaign for sensible and sustainable use of rights of way, but also against 4x4 on RoW because they believe that there is no place for the likes of us.

I've linked max grant and mike bartholomew because initially, NWAIMOR was set up by bartholomew, to replicate what was happeneing in north yoks.

bartholomew is the main driving force behind the TRO's in north yorks, he's the one person you can hang the trouble MPV users have had and the single person who has influenced the councils against MPV use in north yorks. He's trying that in north wales through max grant/nwaimor.

The bottom line is, both these individuals and their small but noisy groups are working behind the scenes carefully and quietly to influence councils, national parks and government to eradicate not only MPV but also cyclists and horse riders from rights of way.

The links will tell you more if you want to know.

The reason I've put this thread here is as a warning, we're not just up against the ramblers, who by the way, see both grant and bartholomew as extreme, these two head a very serious opposition and use reasonable argument, twisted tho it may be, to support their points of view. They are genuinely totally opposed.
So how does this affect you?

Directly, not at all,
Indirectly, if we don't get people to become interested in taking part in local access forums in the areas where these people are active in order to offer a different point of view, then we leave the floor open for the arguments of the anti's to win the day.

North Wales, I try to cover that area, and have to a fair degree, negated grant's efforts and exposed him and his personal heritage, contacts and history, to be honest, the local authorities RoW officers are also aware of him and keep him at arms length.

North Yorks, I can't get that far, so if there's anyone here who is interested in getting involved in the north yorks local access forum then go for it!

The key is, be aware, and if you possibly can, please wherever you are, get involved, otherwise in the next 10 years or so, we may not have any lanes left to enjoy..................

ive highlighted the main thing that stands out to me. to be honest im pretty sick of the whole anti off road thing all together.

im sick of all the divisions and the they want this, and they want that.

its my view they can do what they want, but in five years time when the lanes are all grown over and the walkers cant walk them for trees and bushes. i say good luck to them and the councils.

but ill just do things my way and stuff the lot of them

one things for sure you will never pull the 4x4 community together and divided they will fall. so fall they can

thats the last im saying on off roading and all the shit that goes with it

lets face it no one is really that interested, they prefer to fight amongst themselves