welcome Dave.. you seen the light then! BMW are rubish in the snow :naughty
Mine especially, as it's only got two wheels.

I do have a spare set with some knobblies on, but never got round to trying them. It's meant to be a trail bike, but at 1100cc and pushing 500lb, it's a bit of a handful in owt slippy. Might get some new knobblies later, give it a try this year if we get the white stuff.
But I'm hoping to get a Terrano first... A girlfriend of some years back had one, a 2.4 petrol five door, and as she was sick of driving everywhere, put me on her insurance. As I'd learned to drive in a Land Rover, I was immediately at home in the 'tank' as she called it. (Actually the first thing I learned to drive
was a tank, the L/R came a few years later.

It was nice an comfy, got a good view of things as I'm used to on a big bike, and in spite of her making a point of telling me that 'Such a large, high vehicle can turn over easily', I think I took the first corner a bit faster than she liked, I never came near to any acrobatics with it. Though the rear-wheel drive did take me by surprise as it skipped when I floored it out of a roundabout; I'd just assumed that the two-wheel option would be via the front...
Anyway, I'm looking for one. I'm after a diesel, and because I'm a Yorkshireman, probably a pre March 2001 version, as they're cheaper to 'tax'. I've been watching them on ebay for a while, and there seem to be a lot of decent ones (and a few dogs) in my price range, up to about 2k.
I'm not too concerned with mileage, as I doubt many people can stress a 2.7 diesel, and the fact that it has chain-driven cams is a bonus. I mainly want it for commuting to work in winter; as I do agency driving at the moment, I could have to go anywhere within a 50 mile radius. Not good on two wheels on cold, dark and slippery winter's mornings. Or similar evenings, as I found out on the Yam earlier this year.
I'm not fussed about colour, though the Red or Green ones I think look better. And as my current 'girlfriend' is wanting to get into motorcycle gymkhana, a tow bar would be useful.
Reason I've joined the forum? Well, there's a similar set-up for the Beemer, 'UKGSers', and suffice to say their £12 membership is possibly the best £12 I'll spend in a year. So I know from experience how good/useful such a forum can be. And some of the comments I've read suggest this one is up to the standard of the GSer's. So yes, I'll be paying my £10 on pay-day...::thumb2
Right, all for now, work in the morning and I hear my bed calling...