Greenlaning in scotland

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Very comprehensive, and better than I could do!

Its nice to notice your comments and the mention of Wayfinder. The site I quoted is free to use and is why i always reccomend it. As opposed to GLASS membership and then an affiliation.

As I'm in danger of straying off topic I'll chat to you about this later, especially if your interested in attending any of our green lane days. 8)
cameraman said:
Its nice to notice your comments and the mention of Wayfinder. The site I quoted is free to use and is why i always reccomend it. As opposed to GLASS membership and then an affiliation.

Things worth having are generally worth paying for - aren't they? :smile:
As Andy has said its a bit off topic but....

I use both sites and in general find that the non GLASS site is more up to date in the areas I use at least. As a user of the GLASS forum is does "amuse" me to see people moaning that XYZ lane isn't up to date and that they've been to it and ABC is different, yet they don't update Wayfinder Project with the new info.

Both of the sites/databases are only as good as the info that is put in by the users. I'm not sure what the background to the split was but it seems to have been to the detriment of both sites - its a pity they can't be recombined to produce one even more definitive database.
hummingbird said:
its a pity they can't be recombined to produce one even more definitive database.

I agree totally. Unfortunately, I can't see that ever happening. If you want an update on the politics, it'll have to wait until we meet. A forum is the wrong place.
Hi andrewk, could you give me some more details on the tibie shields lane,as this one is not far from me, i'll have to get an explorer map that covers this area..
cosmic said:
Hi andrewk,could you give me some more details on the tibie shields lane,as this one is not far from me,i'll have to get an explorer map that covers this area..


If you drive north west along the B709 from Tushielaw, at about NT 275 201, you'll see a lane leaving the road on the left. This was actually the through route from Tushielaw to Tibbie Shiels before the B709 was covered in tarmac. It's shown in a 1912 Bacon's Cycling and motoring atlas as that. A few metres down the lane is an old Selkirk CC sign advising motorists about a "weak bridge" some distance along the lane. It isn't actually a bridge, but a culvert - and it was fixed many years ago.

Continue along the lane to NT 254 190 and you'll cross a slightly rickety cattle grid and see the Captain's Road (a footpath) leave on the left. There is a Scotways sign there. Follow the lane down towards Crosscleuch Farm, there is a gate there which is unlocked at NT 243 204, which is then tarmac from there onwards.

I wrote to Scotways about it a few years back after I just happened across it whilst on holiday. They checked with Borders Council who said that it wasn't on their "List of Roads" - but that it could possibly be a vehicular right of way. Scotways have added it to their RoW database as a possible VRoW. If you drive it and then talk to the Landlady in the Tibbie Shiels Inn, she'll probably tell you that it was a bus route as recently as the 1960s - she told a friend that when he drove it during the last week in July this year.

There are a few photos of the lane here:

(Kevin was the name of my Trooper, at the time) :smile:

Does that help?

Thanks andrewk, I will go and have a look at the weekend, looks quite an easy lane though!! Have tried to get onto the wayfinder site but not having much luck.. :roll: must be doing something wrong.
Quite like the wetroads site,will be having a look at some of the fords around here i think..

Just got wayfinder to work, so will be studing maps tonight :lol: :lol:
cosmic said:
Thanks andrewk,I will go and have a look at the weekend,looks quite an easy lane though!!

It's more in the "very easy" rather than the "quite easy" category, I think. You could probably drive it in a Nissan Micra. :smile:
So i :lol: Finaly got wayfinder to work and there are some really good lanes around here and in northumberland, might go and reci some at some stage, also going to have a look at some fords of the wetroads web site... 8) :lol:
cosmic said:
also going to have a look at some fords of the wetroads web site...

Be carefull with the Wet roads website. It lists "roads" and Fords that are closed or have been closed by the NERC bill. It unfortunatley lists many that are illegal to drive. Check them out first.
Me and my mate are having difficulty with this aswell. Although we are starting to make a bit of progress. Start off easy. As for fords there are some good ones in the scottish borders. 2 at abbey st. bathans. first is crap but does lead onto a track around 3 mile long to our understanding is legal to drive. there is a 2nd ford futher down which is long,rough and deep but we passed it in a standard swb terrano. one at earlston is good but bugger me it was deep towards the end. halfway up the doors! There's also 1 at jedforest doesn't look to bad and 2 near peebles. again both don't look bad but don't try and do them after 2 days of heavy rain. they do become deep and fast.

As with tracks and things in scotland we drove a scotways route which we were un sure about about however i quote the following.
"These scotways, there shouldn't be a problem using them as long as you follow the country code and be responsible. If you get challenged then leave right away and resolve later. Against that though, it is an offence to drive a car off-road so you need tyo stick to marked pathways and don't go stupid places and don't over use and it should be ok."

So we are going to recce more tracks and will let people no the score.

Hope this helps
If you guys come across any unsealed tracks anywhere in Scotland that you believe can be (legally) driven, can you please post them in this forum - and I'll make sure that they are added to Trailwise (GLASS replacement for Wayfinder) so that they can be of benefit to all.

Can you please post:

  • Map references for start and end
  • Info about the surface type
  • Signs of usage by vehicles - e.g. tyre marks
  • Any signage on the route
  • What makes you think it's legal to drive


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