Good bye to land rover!

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2004
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Its goodbye to another old style, British company or should we say
Tat tar!.

Well i suppose this will make some of the land rover parts more expensive from now on as they will want to start making some money back on the 1.1 Billion pounds.

mav said:
Well i suppose this will make some of the land rover parts more expensive from now on as they will want to start making some money back on the 1.1 Billion pounds.

But on the plus side build quality can only improve.
Oh so true Hummingbird, And another thing they even said there will be no redundancies,

now where have i heard that before :?

Always partial to an Indian take-away-----but not too sure about this one----- :roll: :roll: :roll: Might be like a Chinese " take-away"--- EVENTUALY.
Yeah Jaguar has been making a loss for a while!! think that side of the deal should be worrying!!
Ta Ta also own Cores,so they have a plentiful supply of steel!! should improve build quality :wink: :lol:
The worrying thing is now that every company in england is now owned by foriegners.. this means that the profits are all taken abroad, which is then counted in the export deficit, that is why this country is now having money problems... if all these companies decided to move production to china. etc we in this country would be screwed, as is happening now... very deep recesion, with little hope off coming out the other end... basicaly our economy is now controlled by outsiders... bosses selling out for a quick buck, to anyone who wants it....

as for them saying no redundencies... I think that meant this week.. wait till next week... how many car plants do you need to produce a car that does not sell.....

This is all very worrying..
They will be asset stripped just like the whole group..
Worked for Rover before BA took over... BMW bought the group for mini and LR technology... More british industry going down the pan!!!!
mav said:
Oh so true Hummingbird, And another thing they even said there will be no redundancies,

now where have i heard that before :?


only for 3 years then they can start puting every body on the scrap heep.
well with the way road tax is going, sales woul dhave plumneted further any way, where as in india etc. that is not an issue and you can polute as much as you want!

after all they do have their own ozone layer so it shouldnt affect us as long as we keep doing our bit LOL

TATAallrady make some small suzuki's and made they last city rovers etc etc so they know what they are doing, it does make you feel lost though doesn't it? a sense of British national identity based on certain core values seems to be all undermined latley and this is just one more blow.

funny we all like to take the mickey out of land rover owners and rib each other but its still an unfortunate turn of events :(