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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2006
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hi all you caravaners ive just bought a generator dont no anything about them any help please its a 800 what output what can i run in the van any imformation will be helpful how to use when to conect to van do i plug it straight into van ect
Is it one of those little 2 strokes? I have one and it's a little cracker but they are rough n ready. If it is a 2 stroke don't forget to put oil in with the petrol.

You should be able to run a low wattage kettle, fridge, telly and battery charger without too much trouble. Forget your fan heater or water heater though.

Jim T
like the man said nothing to large itll just cut out if its four stroke silent type itll need the sump filling with oil id hope there a tag on it saying no oil in engine,all its good for is charging and powering few lights tv etc
thanks jim it is a small 2 stroke do they have engine oil in ?
no you need to mix two stroke oil in petrol like a chainsaw! stihl sell 100ml capsules full that do one gallon of petrol about pound in shops or you can buy bigger tubbs cheaper and measure out required dose!
Better still check the petrol filler cap as mine has a plastic cup stuck to the bottom of it. Fill the cup with 2 stroke oil and then fill with petrol. How easy is that :wink:

Jim T
I have had several of those little 2 stroke's with the handle on the top and the filler cap in the lid, they will take some stick I dont see the Honda is much better!

I have even plugged a 2K watt fan heater in and they chug a bit but keep going though the fan heater is cold and slow!

gret value for money they are!

look on the lables of your stuff and add up the wattage! I would forget the kettle and get a gas one, but lights tv dvd, zig / battery charer, all that kind of stuuf Brilliant!!
If it is the 2-stroke cheapy type then make sure you run it regularly. They have a reputation of gumming up easy if you only use it 1-2 times a year :wink:
They are brilliant for use in a caravan with no hook up, make sure you get petrol/oil mix correct or you will smoke eveybody out. As LouLou said use it regulary, i use mine when cutting my hedge and strimming or in winter i put my 500watt portable light on it for a few minutes every month.
It's good practice to run any petrol engined power tool or genny every once in a while. These genny's are cheap n cheerfull, not the best regulated for sensitive electrical equipment but pretty good for what they are. B&Q were selling them for £33 earlier this year.

Jim T
Decent enough engines, but I've found in the cheapo's that the starting recoil unit don't last too long, nothing worse that pulling it a few times and it falls apart. :( quite hard to get spares

i keep reading fuel and oil mixture is 50-1 its got a 4 ltr tank so how much oil do i have to put with fuel
we have got two of these at the moment both from ALDI, we left one unsed for almost 2 years and it still started, it did smoke a bit at first though! And i have never measured the oil yet I just stick a good dollop in and away they go! I have even used engine oil when out of two stroke oil (I wonder if veg oil would work :lol: )

They do recon if you turn the fuel tap off and run the carb dry it is better for storing it, but i have never bothered and not had any problems.

The only thing i have ever had play up on one of these, and it was a few years ago when they were pretty new to the market, it was a Clarke tools one 650 watt and cost a fair few quid back then about £185 I think, anyway! it used to stop putting power out when it was hot, it turned out to be the earth conections on it, i squeezed the terminals tight pushed them back together and off it went for another few months! I sold it in the end!
I must add however, i dont recommend abusing yours the same way that I have abused the ones i have owned!

I was just pointing to how good they are for the money and that they will really take some stick!