Looking back through the past posts there seem to be a wide discrepancy as to what you should fill your 5 speed manual box up with. Ford drivers 'manual' states ATF in the diffs with LSD additive in the rear. Actual book spec. for the gbx and tx box is in Ford'eeezz - so don't know what that recommends.
Now the search on here picked up both ATF and EP75/90 gear oil as tx and gbx options. Which is it?
On the same vane I just filled the gbx with EP90 GL5 and despite the oil capacity stating 3.5l I managed to get 5+ in there. Is the tx and gbx oil connected?
Cheers all :smile:
Now the search on here picked up both ATF and EP75/90 gear oil as tx and gbx options. Which is it?
On the same vane I just filled the gbx with EP90 GL5 and despite the oil capacity stating 3.5l I managed to get 5+ in there. Is the tx and gbx oil connected?
Cheers all :smile: