Fuses popping

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Dec 3, 2009
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Hi all, pleased to meet you.

I'm new to my terrano, have a bit of a problem in that the fuse for the tail lights/instrument panel/side lights keeps popping.

I'm damned if I can find a direct short, but smoke (wisps) will come from the wiring as it enters the light/indicator switch and the left hand tail light seems intermittent.

I'm popping bulbs all over the place. :eek:

I read somewhere that the light /turn signal switch is a popular candidate for shorts but I can't see how I get a direct short through that, surely it's live in, live out?:(

Help! I'm in Spain where I have to say I'd sooner let my four year old have a go at it than the "mechanics' at the farmers co-op. :rolleyes:

Very grateful for any assistance guys.
Hi all, pleased to meet you.

I'm new to my terrano, have a bit of a problem in that the fuse for the tail lights/instrument panel/side lights keeps popping.

I'm damned if I can find a direct short, but smoke (wisps) will come from the wiring as it enters the light/indicator switch and the left hand tail light seems intermittent.

I'm popping bulbs all over the place. :eek:

I read somewhere that the light /turn signal switch is a popular candidate for shorts but I can't see how I get a direct short through that, surely it's live in, live out?:(

Help! I'm in Spain where I have to say I'd sooner let my four year old have a go at it than the "mechanics' at the farmers co-op. :rolleyes:

Very grateful for any assistance guys.

From recent threads I think the indicator/light switch arm is a cheap and straightforward replacement (step forward whoever it was that did it??), so good place to start. Next, if it persists, would be to disconnect a few things and start putting them back until the smoke starts again!

Whereabouts in Spain are you Jim? Capt Limey is in France north of Toulouse and I have an old farmhouse just north of Lannemezan, so only about 25 miles the other side of the Pyrenees (not that I can afford to get there at the moment!!!:doh)...
Thanks for replying Lacroupade. I changed the indicator arm for 15 euros from a scrapyard after persuading them that although they didn't have a terrano any nissan from around the same time might have the same part (mine came off a Micra).

This, in the desperate hinterland where we live, was nothing short of a minor miracle and seemed to cure the problem until I drove through a puddle, when the fuse popped again. Aha - the towbar wiring was a bit flaccid and untidy and when I actually knocked the mud off and had a proper look sure enough some insulation had worn through and the live feed to the towbar was sparking off the chassis.

Interestingly, in Spain there's no question of buying a towbar online and fitting it yourself, it has to be done by a registered installer, inspected, and your logbook amended to give you a specified max towing weight. At the ITV (MOT) they'll check the lights with a trailer board and cross check the towbar with your logbook. All very proper and bureacratic, but i think shrouding the wiring from regular soaking might be a good idea what d,ya reckon?

Thanks for your help anyhow.
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We're in Valderrobres, the Matarranya region of S. Aragon (teruel province) Truly, the middle of nowhere.
If it helps I moved my towbar sockets in to the rear bumper. I drilled and fitted to the recess for the spare wheel to close against. Well out of the way of rocks and mud, I also give the inside of the socket a good layer of grease to keep the water out.

Jim T
If it helps I moved my towbar sockets in to the rear bumper. I drilled and fitted to the recess for the spare wheel to close against. Well out of the way of rocks and mud, I also give the inside of the socket a good layer of grease to keep the water out.

Jim T

Hi! Can you post a picture with the socket installed on the bumper? Thank's!
We're in Valderrobres, the Matarranya region of S. Aragon (teruel province) Truly, the middle of nowhere.

Hi JimJeeves

Welcome to the club and well done in getting a 'work around' for the wiring/smoking problem. Very interesting to hear how bureaucratic Spain appears to be with regard to vehicle tests, I thought France was bad enough!

As Lacroupade has mentioned we're 150k north of Toulouse and we're heading down your way to the warmer stuff this coming January.

I see that you're a bit south and west of Tarragona, can you recommend a spot on the coast road, en route to Valencia, that we might stop overnight with our T2 and caravan? If I read the Michelin map correctly your location looks to be quite high, (i.e. cool) is that right?

Regards CL
Thanx for all your help one and all, Capt Limey, you asked about somewhere to stop en route to Valencia...hmm not too familiar with the coast, camping-wise. There is a fantastic place near us but we are high up,(500m) and the coldest province in Spain so January might be a bit challenging, best look on the net I guess.