Fun days and green laning

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Just to clear up a couple of points.

I will be running a monthly green lane day or fun day for as long as possible or whille interest is shown.

It would be nice to see old and new faces on these days throughout the coming seasons.

If any member wants to jump in and and organise a day in their area, please feel free to do so. Same if you have any ideas or thoughts on these lines.

I organise mainly in Derbyshire because its close to me and working nights its not far for me to travel on the Sat morning, selfish I know, but there you go, organisers perogative :lol: I also love the Derbyshire countryside and the views, never tiring of this area.

Please note, that all events unless stated in the forums are completly free of charge. Any charges incured ie for pay and play centres will be passed onto you at current prices or the cost between the antendees if cheaper.

Green lanes whilst generally are non damaging are not completly without risk and it would not be fair of me to say that damage cannot occur. So please bear this in mind when attending as niether I, nor any person who leads a group or the club will be reponsible for any damage or scratches you may incur. Furthermore you will be asked to sign a disclaimer stating this at all events. Please also note that as these are legaly driveable lanes your vehicle must be taxed, tested and insured. It is also good practice to ensure it is mechanically sound and well serviced.

Advice on any off road preperation is available through the forums. I would advise a strong recovery point front and rear for all vehicles as the minimum to start with.

I will be running a series of novices or begginners days soon, designed just so you can come and have a try, get your wheels muddy and see what 4WD is really like.

Should the demand be there I will also run a day for potential leaders to have a try at navigating, and route finding. Map reading instruction is available in the forums should you require it.

As these events may become booked up quickly, I will also run a reserves list should anyone on the main lists drop out.
monthly days out

what area of derbyshire do you frequent?
i live in south east derbyshire and regularly do a few runs out around my one coming up on the 31st of this month. i will be leading a few trucks around the dales.
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Reading his post sounds familiar (from another site) ?

Could it be Cameraman ???????????????

Arrrrrrrrrrr yes well. I was wondering who'd be the first to spot that one.
Well spotted Jim.

Rather than a guest posting is it some kind of glitch in the restore of posts from the old site? in which case it may very well be an old Cameraman post.

Jim T
fun days and green laning

hi i thought i had entered a time warp .:kissy:kissy.
i am sure between us we can carry on where andy left off.