Fuel protests could bring the UK to a standstill

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i don't see what the raationship of the UK to Eire has to do with fuel prices, or the existance of "multi cultural" familes. Why bthere needs to be theis undertone to this thread amazes me!

well this government want to save money, but they found £7 billion for ireland, when we are supposed to be skint,
mult cultural families, well how many shouldn't be here for a start, they claim for all sort of relatives and that does happen, so why dont the government start sorting the fraudulant claims and save millions there, oh know put up petrol tax it's easier.:thumb2
I think the government IS cracking down on benefit abuse, to save money, so lets see how that goes.

as for fuel, I agree its outrageous, but I also understand that there is nothing anyone can do to get it lower, and thats not because we are all weak or cant be bothered, its because those in power DONT CARE. The fuel is going up full stop, its crap, and its going to hurt, and with luck it will be that hurt, that affects millions, that will get the government doing something about it.

what gets me is, we need oil to make fuel, but doesnt "England" own many off shore refineries? why cant we use our own oil?? why do we have to buy it in?

seems to me that this country has lost its self sufficiency, in the name of saving a few quid, except the savings arent passed on, like with fuel.
We are loaning Ireland £7billion at a higher interest rate than we are borrowing the same money at. Makes quite clever business sense to me.
Get your facts right or just carry on thinking sending a load of ************ home will get you paying less on your fuel.

Not sure about the terminology but the point made is absolutely bang :thumb2

Far too much emphasis is made waffling and whinging about the money thats syphoned of by immigrants on the fiddle. The simple fact however is that more brits are screwing the system than any other group :nenau

NO ONE should be allowed to screw the system, the whole lot are being clamped down on.

As far as the Ireland bail out goes, its laughingly good business sense. We use our crediting rating to raise money for Ireland because they cant, we then make on it and the profit goes to sorting our problems without costing us anything at all.

I just cant fault it :clap:clap:clap:clap

Back to fuel strikes............

The will may be there to protest but I doubt the ability to sustain is there any longer. :nenau
Wouldn't be so bad if an increase was gonna be spent on the roads and developing greener fuel or whatever.

I don't see why motorists and hauliers etc should be singled out to help reduce our national debt. Should the nation together not contribute with a smaller rise in income tax? Would seem fairer. Those on unemployment benefit should get a cut if they're not paying income tax,

Just seems to me this country's always "robbing Peter to pay Paul"
i don't see what the raationship of the UK to Eire has to do with fuel prices, or the existance of "multi cultural" familes. Why bthere needs to be theis undertone to this thread amazes me!

well this government want to save money, but they found £7 billion for ireland, when we are supposed to be skint,
mult cultural families, well how many shouldn't be here for a start, they claim for all sort of relatives and that does happen, so why dont the government start sorting the fraudulant claims and save millions there, oh know put up petrol tax it's easier.:thumb2

the Eire question has been answere, sound finaicial sense, plus the uk being a ood neighbour and perhaps helping to put past problems behind both nations.

again, benefits and imigration (along with Eire) have no relationship to fuel! You have to pay the same price at the pumps whatever benefits you claim and whatever the colour of your skin. It's this kind of decisivmness that helps the government out, blaming everyone else, the divide and rule mentality that makes us loosers every time! The issue is fuel focus on that and maybe people could make a difference.
veg oil lol been covered on here before because theres no hope of getting them to drop fuel tax and then vat on that tax! and the people who created this mess are sat on back benches writing there memoirs and dreaming of after dinner speaches for city bankers!
as for sending immagrants home watch that border force on one the freeview channels they raid areest illegals working in takeways etc then bail them with condition they dont do it again and report back to be deported ....it dont take a genuis to work out they aint gonna (turkys voting for christmass lol) when they do deport em charter a plane then there was 52 custody officers pls all the coaches etc one guy been paying tax for last ten yrs so how they not know he was here!
countrys a joke but at least were not french !
verg oil, home made bio fuels, why did they drope the tax?

more ways to divide the oposition!

and we all love having some one else to blame, 'it's them bloomin foreigners!'

a nation of Alf Garnet clones :augie

The best way forward is to concentrate on one issue at a time, and the inability to do that is why we keep getting shafted :doh
verg oil, home made bio fuels, why did they drope the tax?

more ways to divide the oposition!

and we all love having some one else to blame, 'it's them bloomin foreigners!'

a nation of Alf Garnet clones :augie

The best way forward is to concentrate on one issue at a time, and the inability to do that is why we keep getting shafted :doh

leave the eu should save few billions trouble is no one in the eu knows where the money is ,send all foreinors to afghanistan as mine detection specialists bung few students who think it funny to piss on monuments drunk/high on mater an paters allowence and best of all evict betty an phil the greek job done countrys back in the black ! simpleeze
and that is the very reason fuel protests dont wont and never will work.

everyone has an issue with fuel prices (even daved), and everyone would be happy to protest. (if its not too much hassle)

within the space of 2 pages of posts the problem goes from fuel to immigrants to the Irish the banks and back again
to protest about something you have to find out what single item you are ALL protesting about... and stick to it

christ if you just took this thread as an example of a protest, it would be shut down easily . given an hour or two protesting chained to some gate . the coppers would have the lot of you on some enticement to racial hatred charge .... on a fuel demonstration ... ffs

and thats why its not going to happen . even if everyone was united take the miners strike for example .... nothing to stop the gov planting some paid help to get it kicking off .... and again shut down .
happens every time watch the bloody news
and another thing the more the people go on about race or culture. the more the country is divided. by blaming everyone else on the cost of fuel or the state of the country. you are shutting out probably 1/3rd of the people who have a voice . if they are not with you that counts as a not on side in politics

united we stand divided you fall.
and that is the very reason fuel protests dont wont and never will work.

everyone has an issue with fuel prices (even daved), and everyone would be happy to protest. (if its not too much hassle)

within the space of 2 pages of posts the problem goes from fuel to immigrants to the Irish the banks and back again
to protest about something you have to find out what single item you are ALL protesting about... and stick to it

christ if you just took this thread as an example of a protest, it would be shut down easily . given an hour or two protesting chained to some gate . the coppers would have the lot of you on some enticement to racial hatred charge .... on a fuel demonstration ... ffs

and thats why its not going to happen . even if everyone was united take the miners strike for example .... nothing to stop the gov planting some paid help to get it kicking off .... and again shut down .
happens every time watch the bloody news

well said that man :bow:clap:clap:clap

I have a big problem with the massive proportion of the cost of a litre that the government creams off for no reason other than they can. Crude oil isnt actually that expensive, until its passes through the taxation system.

The missus and i are getting severely hammered in all these reforms, fuel costs being part of it all. Problem is like quite a few on this site, we're not poor enough to claim anything but not earning enough (like mps for example) to not give a toss and weather it.

I didnt vote for labour, i commented many times as a layman on their financially corrupt principals so I object strongly to paying for their cock ups.

Did you kow for example that pre the 1977 world wide slump ,that Milliband conveniently blames everything on, the government was getting more in from taxation than at any other time in pour recent history. However they were still spending more than was coming in and borrowing too :eek: oh yes and selling off gold stocks when the price was low :doh If that isnt gross incompetence I dont know what is .

Bunch of ****ers.

Now standing down off the soap box :augie
labour messed it all up if id have been cammeron id have said no boys you carry on you made mess YOU sort it end of labour lol
i cant believe we pay fuel duty (tax) then vat on price plus the duty then road tax and tax on every bloody thing you buy for your truck government aint got a clue where all immagrants are but it sure knows where your truck is when your road tax is due!
veg oil lol been covered on here before because theres no hope of getting them to drop fuel tax and then vat on that tax! and the people who created this mess are sat on back benches writing there memoirs and dreaming of after dinner speaches for city bankers!
as for sending immagrants home watch that border force on one the freeview channels they raid areest illegals working in takeways etc then bail them with condition they dont do it again and report back to be deported ....it dont take a genuis to work out they aint gonna (turkys voting for christmass lol) when they do deport em charter a plane then there was 52 custody officers pls all the coaches etc one guy been paying tax for last ten yrs so how they not know he was here!
countrys a joke but at least were not french !

classic :lol:lol:lol:clap

drive slower lads, you'll use less fuel.
now heres a theory if i was to order in say 500gallon of red diesel declare i intend to use it as road fuel pay taxs on it so its no cheaper than white could i run on it legaly and apart from milage on mot whos gonna now that ive used my 500 gallon and am now on my 2000gallon of rebated fuel that i havent told em about my speedo dont work and id be paying cash for delivery to different locations because they have to tell hmrc on bulk orders.
reds about 75p litre
I apologise for my terminology and for allowing myself to get wound up.
easily done, even easier in a real protest .
thats the trouble.... years ago look at the football in the 80's the coppers never had a chance to police them ... but with cctv they can easily take out the big names and make an example.... now trouble free football .

its the same with all modern day protests , too many laws on the fringe of the issue not directly removing your right to protest. cos that goes back to the magna carter or somit, but behind the scenes or just around the corner there is a law that everyone can fall foul of . thatcher done all that. the council tax riots was a world shocker. they wont ever let that happen again

this immigration thing plays right into the governments hands muti cultural society ... dividing the people is the reality ... and plenty play the game of intolerance and its those that are loosing there voice and right to protest .

dont get me wrong i like some on here with there own views on things, A LOT . im just explaining how it works my view ... and i have researched this a lot . im my youth i knew lots of very dangerous people most from the national front (not that i share there views now or ever) and knowing them and understanding how all that works on the streets , gives you a good picture of how sick and divided our GREAT BRITAIN is . its so heavily policed and pretty much lost to the gov.

unless someone can lead the people - mind you history dont paint a pretty picture of the ones that have, does it .
now heres a theory if i was to order in say 500gallon of red diesel declare i intend to use it as road fuel pay taxs on it so its no cheaper than white could i run on it legaly and apart from milage on mot whos gonna now that ive used my 500 gallon and am now on my 2000gallon of rebated fuel that i havent told em about my speedo dont work and id be paying cash for delivery to different locations because they have to tell hmrc on bulk orders.
reds about 75p litre

worth a shot give em a ring !