supposed to be 5p a litre to start with another 5p goining on earlier next year.
predicted to reach about £1.23 per litre(£5.60)a gallon.
its to pay for the huge debt the government has got and as usual all we will do is maon about it and take it on the chin.
good old blighty :lol:lol:lol
Happy New Year everyone !
Mine started with a mistaken shot (3 ltrs) of petrol into diesel T2 :doh Filled up with diesel so I reckoned on 3 ltrs petrol / 75 ltrs -ish of diesel. Won't repeat what I said to myself :augie. Decided to take a chance and forgo all the costs of draindown etc. Have done 150miles since and all SEEMS well.::nenau Fingers crossed. Still hoping to not hear any funny noises
I ; like many others; always mention "the government" when it comes to our financial distresses. The government is really a fair proportion of US , the public.
We all know that the real cause of our woes is the so-called wizzards of commerce- the fat-cat experts who live off the cream of large chunks of our taxes and savings. If I had dropped as many clangers during my working life as they have done in theirs, I would still be inside on multiple manslaughter charges.
The leaders of the money making institutions seem to have the government (and that is US of course) by the short and curlies.
If there is a life hereafter, I shall come back as an accountant and work up to a dictatorial fat-cat.
Moan over-----feeling better now.