front bumper removal

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John B

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all has anyone removed the front bumper on a 05 terrano as this is my plan for tomorrow as i want to do all the front end with the old waxoyl. Any tips cheers
mines 03, same setup though.

four bolts, two either side. Remove arch liner, look towards the front by the rad, you will see through the chassis mount access to the two bolts. Both 17mm I think, so you will need a long reach socket/extension and if you haven't done it before a hammer. Ive done it without removing wheels, but you will need to turn them for better access. Once both bolts are out, the bumper should stay in place until you lift/pull backwards to remove, its front heavy so watch out (it isn't actually that heavy, but it will flop forwards)

Watch out for the plastic guide rails either side at the ends of the bumper - these are week plastic guides to help slide the bumper on in place and keep each side at the correct level. If those damage, it will drop and look wrong when you re fit the bumper...

While you have the bumper off, treat the chassis mounts good and proper as they are very common rust areas and MOT failures....:thumbs

oh, one more tip on refitting. I use stands and a jack because refitting by one person is difficult - its hard to get it on thee guide rails, and level without jacking the front up or having someone hold the bumper in place. So, I use a big jack, put bumper on, jack it up so its at the correct level, then bolt up all four if happy either side is level, then release jack and check again.
youre very welcome. ive had to take mine off so many times due to trying to fix it. One thing I found was that one of my bolts wasn't the right size, though at a glance it looked the same as all the rest. This meant that when tightening the bolt up, it wasn't actually tight, and so the bumper "drooped" at the front.

When I replace that bolt, and did the above procedure, the bumper now sits correctly and at the correct level and looks so much better!:thumbs
just a note,the 4 bolts are not the same 2 are longer as the front 2 are where the bumper mounts slide on,the rear 2 are shorter and need to be fully removed but the front 2 which are inside the chassis only need to be undone not removed so the bumper slides in onto the 2 front bolts.
Is it possible when removed to split the plastic part of the bumper from the metal frame which it's attached to ? So I can get a load of waxoyl on it ?
just a note,the 4 bolts are not the same 2 are longer as the front 2 are where the bumper mounts slide on,the rear 2 are shorter and need to be fully removed but the front 2 which are inside the chassis only need to be undone not removed so the bumper slides in onto the 2 front bolts.

Thanks for the thumbs up with that panel beater
Is it possible when removed to split the plastic part of the bumper from the metal frame which it's attached to ? So I can get a load of waxoyl on it ?

yes - its a metal framework but the plastic is attached either side by several bolts (which will almost certainly snap) and lots of trim clips.

I know because I had to replace most of mine :/

You can however get to the vast majority of metal without removing the bumper, you just have to cover the bumper so that overspill doesn't leak all over it...
just a note,the 4 bolts are not the same 2 are longer as the front 2 are where the bumper mounts slide on,the rear 2 are shorter and need to be fully removed but the front 2 which are inside the chassis only need to be undone not removed so the bumper slides in onto the 2 front bolts.

yes very good point!! I removed mine because I had to, but also if you want to grease them up (which I did) it might be worth removing.
Took the front bumper off and also both wings to do the waxoyl and all went to plan for a change but I did find some holes behind the plastic trim on both sides :eek: so looks like a bit of welding is on the card.A few questions
Can you buy replacement inner wheel arch panels
Do I need to refit the flap things which stop water and stuff getting onto the side of the engine and does anyone know what size fixings I need to order for the plastic Trim under the wheel arch where it attaches to the metal part of the wheel arch as all mine snapped :doh
i not long replaced both front wings and welded cross member and bumper outer ions.i had the same trouble with the clips,i think 10mm clips are the size but i threaded cable ties through existing holes to hold rubber in place.
as for the flap things some take them off but muck gets in easy.

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