Freaky incident some clever thinking and a massive favour please

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Jul 24, 2012
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All weekend I've left an interior light on in the car parked on the drive having not used it I haven't noticed until I got in it this eve to get home.

It turned the car over for about 10 seconds after giving the plugs 2 goes which surprised me how dim the light was.

Out with the jump leads onto the girlfriends fiesta, bit of Easy Start to ensure it went first time with no agro and boom Terrance fired up :thumbs

Soooo, I jumped out the car to put the girlfriends car back and put the jump leads away etc, shut the drivers door as you would while it's warming up, moved the car, shut the bonnet and went round the back of the car to open the rear door, LOCKED :S Went to the drivers side to unpop it from inside LOCKED :O Went round to the passengers side tried the door and my heart sank and panic set in LOCKED AND THE ENGINE IS RUNNING

My spare key is a 2 hour round trip away, so my first idea is screw this I'll do a window, then I remembered how horrible it is to find glass up your arse 2 years later so I stood back and had a think.

Then the neighbour had come out asking me to turn the engine off as it was parked right against her living room wall and the car had been running a while now, I explained the situation to which she tutted and walked off.

At this point I'm really clutching at straws and I decide I'm going to stall the engine by covering the snorkel, didn't work which I later found out was due to the jubilee from my hose to the snorkel had fell off :( so then I had no choice, given I had ample clearance to access it having done the 2" body lift I decided to rip the fuel feed pipe off the top of the fuel tank sender unit, after about 20 seconds it finally shuddeered and died to my relief as all of the curtains in the cul de sac were going now, I know it's not good to starve the IP like that before anyone starts but I really had no choice.

Now to get into the car still :doh
So knowing that the car was running and the immobiliser was probably still off I know from past experience that if you take a battery terminal off and pop it back on quickly the doors will unlock :sly

So with a bit of a struggle I managed with a long flathead screwdriver to remove the front grille from the car which then enabled me to pull the bonnet release catch manually without the handle in the cabin, bonnet popped up off with the terminal and pop go the doors. I nearly cried with excitement :bow

I now have 2 problems which is where the favour comes in, my bonnet only seems to catch on the first stage of the catch as I seem to have pulled one of the plastic clips off its mounting under the bonnet but have no idea where it needs to go so need you guys to take a picture for me of where your first 3 black clips are attached to so I can get the tension back in the cable right so I can shut my bonnet OK

My 2nd problem is that now the girlfriend is adamant that I'm a professional car theif but there's nothing you guys can do about that one [emoji38]

Cheers boys
Wow.. some good lateral thinking there...

I am not sure what clips you mean with out looking, but I think mine is too caked in crap to see any clips.

I'll have a look tomorrow
Your post reminded me of this !

An interesting tale but cant figure out why the door locked itself as usually self locking is initiated when you are doing about 20 mph ?

Your story reminds me of an incident I was involved in about 40 years ago when I worked for Brian Wibberly the car dealer in BoT that I have never forgotten. I had a phone call from my Boss at work in Burton on Trent to say his girlfriend could not start her car as the starter solenoid had jammed a common fault on the old Austin 1300 of the period. She worked at the Russell Hobs Factory that used to be on Derby Road.

The factory was a huge long building and it was often impossible to get any reply at the door at the front of the building when the main shift had finished. I tried the bell and after about 10 minutes (no mobile phones in those days) decided I could fix the car as there was an external bonnet release without bothering the owner all it would take is a sharp clout of the starter motor area and then I could test it was ok by depressing the starter solenoid button.

The car was parked about 2 feet from the wall of the building front end towards the wall. I had a small hammer and tapped the starter motor and heard the sound of the bendix releasing. I then pressed the solenoid button just to be sure it was ok before I left. Unfortunately for me the car had been left in first gear so the car surged forward trapping my legs between wall and the front bumper. Worse still the solenoid button had stuck down powering the starter motor. There were two spot lights on the front with nice chrome cones in the centre that were now putting a dent in my shins. As hard as I pushed I could not defeat the power of the starter motor and every few seconds the car moved slowly towards the wall crushing my shins. I was now quite frightened that I was going to be seriously injured so with one huge push back I managed to immediately jump up so my feet landed on the top of the bumper. It worked and the car continued to creep forwards until it was hard against the wall. Now I was free I hit the starter motor and released the bendix. I had two super round bruises to my shins and when I got back to work I decided to not tell the tale as I felt so stupid!
An interesting tale but cant figure out why the door locked itself as usually self locking is initiated when you are doing about 20 mph ?

Your story reminds me of an incident I was involved in about 40 years ago when I worked for Brian Wibberly the car dealer in BoT that I have never forgotten. I had a phone call from my Boss at work in Burton on Trent to say his girlfriend could not start her car as the starter solenoid had jammed a common fault on the old Austin 1300 of the period. She worked at the Russell Hobs Factory that used to be on Derby Road.

The factory was a huge long building and it was often impossible to get any reply at the door at the front of the building when the main shift had finished. I tried the bell and after about 10 minutes (no mobile phones in those days) decided I could fix the car as there was an external bonnet release without bothering the owner all it would take is a sharp clout of the starter motor area and then I could test it was ok by depressing the starter solenoid button.

The car was parked about 2 feet from the wall of the building front end towards the wall. I had a small hammer and tapped the starter motor and heard the sound of the bendix releasing. I then pressed the solenoid button just to be sure it was ok before I left. Unfortunately for me the car had been left in first gear so the car surged forward trapping my legs between wall and the front bumper. Worse still the solenoid button had stuck down powering the starter motor. There were two spot lights on the front with nice chrome cones in the centre that were now putting a dent in my shins. As hard as I pushed I could not defeat the power of the starter motor and every few seconds the car moved slowly towards the wall crushing my shins. I was now quite frightened that I was going to be seriously injured so with one huge push back I managed to immediately jump up so my feet landed on the top of the bumper. It worked and the car continued to creep forwards until it was hard against the wall. Now I was free I hit the starter motor and released the bendix. I had two super round bruises to my shins and when I got back to work I decided to not tell the tale as I felt so stupid!

Oh man!!!! You win, that sounds awful:(

A good tale now though I hope there are no lasting injuries from it
I had a look for the clips you talked about, but can not see them... My car has stuff in the way, but even on Suz's which is relatively clear, I can not see where the cable goes, as it disappears under everything, so you can't see it from the top.

I wonder if Rick has one removed, he can help you with.
yes there are 3 clips, I have taken pics but the cable should slid easily through them they are only there to keep the cable from hanging slack, this is the pic that is of most interest as it shows the outer cable anchor point which I guess you have pulled out, to get it back in you need to remove the three bolts that hold the lock in place (12 mm spanner/socket) then the whole lock will pull up, turn it over and you will see where to put the outer cable, Rick


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yes there are 3 clips, I have taken pics but the cable should slid easily through them they are only there to keep the cable from hanging slack, this is the pic that is of most interest as it shows the outer cable anchor point which I guess you have pulled out, to get it back in you need to remove the three bolts that hold the lock in place (12 mm spanner/socket) then the whole lock will pull up, turn it over and you will see where to put the outer cable, Rick

Cheers Rick

It's all sorted now :thumb2 In your picture, when the cable enters the back of the plastic part, that had been pulled out, I had to remove the whole mechanism that was held to the crossmember with x3 12mm Bolts and I pushed the sheath back in :thumb2

Bonnet is now closing again :naughty
Needless to say I binned my bonnet cable clip thing. Weight saving and mechanical simpleness. I have a couple of ultra cheap rally bonnet clips and R pins. Simple as :D