Found a great product for cleaning the roof of the caravan..

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Jun 14, 2012
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I have been servicing the caravan, full on job, as I realised that somehow I missed doing it last year.

Wheels and hubs off, Brakes all cleaned, dusted, lubricated in the right places, and adjusted.
Wheels all masked up and re-sprayed.
All steadies have had the stiff thick dirty grease removed, and then once all clean a thin layer of marine grease re-applied
Gas system all checked for leaks, and made sure all the pipes were OK.
All 49 hinges, 16 latches, 10 door knobs, 16 stays, and goodness knows how many other bits lubricated and tightened.
Roof lights remove, taken apart and cleaned between the layers.
Window seals all siliconed, and latches tightened.
All windows cleaned inside and outside
Lights checked
Electrics checked
Cleaned and polished all the wood work.
Gas stove deep cleaned.

I then set to work trying to clean the roof...

Now in the past I have used a polish called Mur, which you can use wet, and with a lot of scrubbing the roof comes up nicely, and lasts the year pretty well, but then takes a bit of work to get it clean again the next year..

This time though, I decided to try something else... bearing in mind we never got round to cleaning the roof last year, I was not looking forward to it. I got up the ladder, and set to work with the Mer... Slow progress was being made.

Then I had an idea.... last year we got some "Wet & Forget" Moss Mould Lichen and Algae Remover to treat a bit of the drive that is in the shade all day and gets very slippery when the algae builds up. Now don't get me wrong, it's not cheap, but luckily Costco had it on special offer, so we got some, and it worked well.

So I put some neat in a spray bottle, sprayed the roof, then used a soft broom I keep for brushing the snow off the cars (It's not seen a lot of action the last few years!), to agitate the wet patch... The dirt just lifted off.... I mean it really could not have been easier, I wet a patch of the roof, brushed it with the broom, and it went disgusting brown, then when I had done the whole roof, I washed it off, with a bit more sweeping to remove any that had dried. Even better I did it all from one side of the van, by using the length of the broom to reach right across, which was a real result as normally I have to move the van away from the fence to do the other side.

I then went round and did all those bits where algae builds like round the rear lights, and along the tops of the windows, all came off with just a little agitation from a paint brush.

For those with tin tents, I highly recommend this stuff...
It worked a dream on getting rid of the algea round the rear side window seals and roof bar bases on Suz's T2 as well.

Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk
pft, the best thing for cleaning caravan roofs is well known round these parts.
Simply lob a few bread crusts on the roof in the evening and as if by magic the seagulls will clean the roof for you first thing in the morning :lol
Check the gas pipe is in date [emoji1303] I never knew they had a shelf life!!

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Luckily the only flexible gas pipe, are the two pigtails that connect the cylinders to the change over valve, and I did those at the end of last year, as the were 6 years old.

Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk
Luckily the only flexible gas pipe, are the two pigtails that connect the cylinders to the change over valve, and I did those at the end of last year, as the were 6 years old.

Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk

That's the ones I've just had done this year on the service! Well done for changing them, I never realised!!!

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We really need some before and after pics to see what it can do...:nenau
I was so impressed with the way it worked, I got so engrossed in wanting to get onto the next bit, just to see the algea melt off, I never even thought to take any pictures. The thing is, it removes algea instantly, it needs a week or two to get rid of the litchin (sp), so the roof should keep getting better.

Sent from my SM-T705 using Tapatalk
Try the pound shops, they do a squirty bottle of yellow liquid called "elbow grease" I sh!t you not...
It is powerful stuff too, they seemed to stop selling it for a while but back in stock now
As with most things read the label and test on a small area first.:thumb2
Try the pound shops, they do a squirty bottle of yellow liquid called "elbow grease" I sh!t you not...
It is powerful stuff too, they seemed to stop selling it for a while but back in stock now
As with most things read the label and test on a small area first.:thumb2

Yeh someone recommended it to me once, it takes terrano muck off your hands like magic :D
I use it for all sorts now, even my fav car parts place has started selling it!!
hello my friends,just got back from a month caravanning.
catching up on things,log burner going washing machine going loads of post to do posts on various sites to sort out etc.
as for the van roof i went with t2 and van to a washer in brandon and agreed a price of 23 to pressure wash t2 and van,that did it fine and when i looked up a lad was standing on roof blasting away.
got rid of all my crap and green stuff,even gave him 2 pound tip.
good thing the old van is watertight.
why i had it done was i went to a funeral at bury st edmonds and wanted it all clean.