Looks odd to me, R reg, has mk1 front end and intercooler bonnet, so td not tdi but
has mk2 rear bumper.
my mk2 t2 was tdi on P reg, also dont recall commercials on Mavs only terranos and
then much later end of mk3 and mk4.
buyer beware i'd say. Must have been very late being registered.
DVLA has it as
The enquiry is complete.
The vehicle details for R218 YND are:
Date of Liability 01 11 2012
Date of First Registration 19 12 1997
Year of Manufacture 1997
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 2663cc
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Export Marker N
Vehicle Status Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour WHITE
Vehicle Type Approval Not Available
Vehicle Excise Duty rate for vehicle
6 Months Rate £121.00
12 Months Rate £220.00
Please be aware that if the vehicle has recently been relicensed or a SORN declared, these details may not yet be updated on the vehicle record.