eclipse said:This might sound a silly question but has any one been asked to assist by using your 4x4 with the flooded areas or if you have voulanteered?
I was thinking of offering help to the emergancy services.
hummingbird said:There seemed to be some interest on either mud Club or Diff Lock in forming a South Links 4x4 Response group. All it needs is for a few like minded people to take the bull by the horns. Thats what happened with H&Y4x4R, a few members of set it up initially and then it rolled out over the internet and at shows etc to attract more members. Whilst disatserous for those affected the recent floods has been a source of good publicity and helped memberships and awareness increase. I say if you're interested in setting a similar group up, find a few lik minded individuals in your area, contact the National register and neighboring groups all of whom will be more than willing to help. If you're plod yourself you'll be able to find out the contacts for the Emergency Planning office and make contact. I'll leave it at that but if you'd like any more info please PM me.
hummingbird said:Have to say that the we've had the usual disproportionate coverage of the things. Now that the weather has turned sour further south its far bigger news and gets more coverage for longer on the bulletins than when it was pretty much confined to Yorkshire, Humberside and Lincolnshire. Same when it snows, an inch or 2 around Birmingham is big news, but a couple of feet up here wouldn't warrant even a mention, mind you we'd just keep going as usual, everything wouldn't grind to a halt
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