Finding things in your garage ?

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Aug 20, 2008
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I have a fairly untidy Garage fitted out with the cupboard units from our last two Kitchens.

About 5 years ago I bought a cheap Metric Tap & Die set from the beloved Aldi Central Aisle. I knew it would come in handy one day as I only have a few AF and B.A. ones that I have accrued over the last 50 years.

About 18 months ago I used the Aldi Metric Set to fix a bad thread and put it away safely as the plastic case containing the kit was badly cracked. I think I put it in a Tupperware type plastic container in a safe place.

I have spent about 3 hours over the last 2 days looking for the kit and can't find it anywhere though I did find my collection of AF & BA ones !

I always keep all my "Special Tools" together either in the Special Tools drawer or the cupboard directly above if it's too big. I found the tool for fitting the screen inserts in a BL windscreen, my old Opel Steering wheel puller with long and short legs plus a tool for retracting BMW Mini rear brake pads but no sign of the Metric Tap & Die Set.

At present am considering buying a replacement kit and giving up on ever finding it. Am I alone in this seemingly age old problem of never finding things when I want them!
Oh dear no.......I fail to find things when I have just put them down......still looking for a sash cramp I know can only be in one of two cupboards in one small workshop........2 years on........I am normally quite sceptical about the supernatural, polterghosts and the like....but this has me wondering........:nenau
You are not alone:lol
I have the most used tools hanging up on a board and have even drawn around them so they end up in the same place :naughty
My "specials" are either in my 7 drawer tool chest or stacked beside it on a shelf in no order. It's a bit krypton Factor ish trying to get at what I want but it's also a work in progress, just further down the ever increasing list! :D
I feel your pain, I'm terrible for it. I have an oil filter and 8 litres of oil spare that I misplaced. The guy at the shop had a giggle when I came in a few days later to buy the same oil and filter. I found them when I was looking for something else, at least I will use them though eh :)
Yep do this all the time, Can be using a 10mm on a t bar put it down and go to pick it up again and hey ho its gone. Then spend the next 5 mins looking everywhere for it only for it to be in the place I put it down. I blame ghost's lol even the dead have to piss people off once in a while....
Yep do this all the time, Can be using a 10mm on a t bar put it down and go to pick it up again and hey ho its gone. Then spend the next 5 mins looking everywhere for it only for it to be in the place I put it down. I blame ghost's lol even the dead have to piss people off once in a while....

I have a fairly untidy Garage fitted out with the cupboard units from our last two Kitchens.

About 5 years ago I bought a cheap Metric Tap & Die set from the beloved Aldi Central Aisle. I knew it would come in handy one day as I only have a few AF and B.A. ones that I have accrued over the last 50 years.

About 18 months ago I used the Aldi Metric Set to fix a bad thread and put it away safely as the plastic case containing the kit was badly cracked. I think I put it in a Tupperware type plastic container in a safe place.

I have spent about 3 hours over the last 2 days looking for the kit and can't find it anywhere though I did find my collection of AF & BA ones !

I always keep all my "Special Tools" together either in the Special Tools drawer or the cupboard directly above if it's too big. I found the tool for fitting the screen inserts in a BL windscreen, my old Opel Steering wheel puller with long and short legs plus a tool for retracting BMW Mini rear brake pads but no sign of the Metric Tap & Die Set.

At present am considering buying a replacement kit and giving up on ever finding it. Am I alone in this seemingly age old problem of never finding things when I want them!

Ah, yes. The trick here is to buy another set.

Then you put the new set away in a "safe place" and I can pretty much guarantee that there you will find the previous set.

Simples !

Let me have you address details and I will send you one of my 10mm fine thread dies, do the bolts and send it back, Rick
The Tool Fairy

Let me have you address details and I will send you one of my 10mm fine thread dies, do the bolts and send it back, Rick

That's a very kind offer Rick but TBH having a few metric Taps & Dies of my own might be useful.

I am going to have one last look for the lost ones in the morning before I nip to the local tool shop. During the night I had a vision of where I might have put my missing kit - not in a Tuperware box but in a cutlery drawer I have with some drill bits in.

I also know that if I buy another kit I will find the missing one within days.
I made a board for all my taps and dies as i got fed up of losing them.
Its just an 1/2 thick bit of plywood with loads of nails to form pegs.
Hang everything on it and write the size so easy to find.
Thats if i put them back on when iv'e finished using them:lol:lol