fear factor

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asian chap gets on bus carrying rucksack looking nervous checkin watch/phone

  • get off asap he could be a suicide bomber

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • stay on u got balls of steel

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
the question asumes you are already on the bus/train (your stop is further down the route may give it away) and as yet ive not heard of any white skinhead suicide bombers ( i await with baited breath the russians blaming one!) so my percieved scenario is the most acurate maybe 20yrs ago it would have been a car on irish plates but muslim extremists are the latest incarnation of the terroist threat to our country

Your still a million miles away on most points.

Glasgow airport, Jeep Cherokee????????? nothing Irish about that one.

Answer some questions.
think youve gotten confused,"20 yrs ago car on irish plates" "muslim exstemists latest threat" and youve proved my point most (if not all) suicide have been muslim extremists just like the drs who drove there jeep loaded with petrol and gas cannisters into the airport they certainly werent wearing edl hoodies or have straining bull breed to fight off the firemen/security trying to douse the flames and save there lives.
so how are my comments racist and yours not many americans will be deeply upset at your jeep reference lol
the question asumes you are already on the bus/train (your stop is further down the route may give it away) and as yet ive not heard of any white skinhead suicide bombers ( i await with baited breath the russians blaming one!) so my percieved scenario is the most acurate maybe 20yrs ago it would have been a car on irish plates but muslim extremists are the latest incarnation of the terroist threat to our country

there was a father and son making chemical weapons not that long back . bnp members too

and what 10 years ago some bloke was nail bombing public areas of brixton . he was also found to be racist. not sure on his hair cut. so couldnt say if he was a skinhead.

oh and while on the subject of skinheads. the true skinhead was a movement from the late 60's that was kids of white Oregon that were interested in early reggea and ska music ... only later was the nf and at the end of the punk thing was the OI music movement of skinheads big. but a lot of that was to do with football hooliganism. bands like combat 84 and skrewdriver (aka kkk in the states ). interestingly i beleive garry bushell was involved it the start up of the OI record label (now in newspapers)

skinheads of today are mostly back the there roots with ska and reggae

oh and another thing... for those never been to a nf .or bnp march not many skinheads went . it was more joe public and his wife. people from every walks of british life some coloured people even went in the late 80's.

also went to lots of reggae parties and concerts too

the trouble with all these threads and we get plenty on here people always stereotype . i looked at both sides as a kid and chose neither. both arguments have massive flaws. i judge people on there own merits. not what colour they are or what the beleive
think youve gotten confused,"20 yrs ago car on irish plates" "muslim exstemists latest threat" and youve proved my point most (if not all) suicide have been muslim extremists just like the drs who drove there jeep loaded with petrol and gas cannisters into the airport they certainly werent wearing edl hoodies or have straining bull breed to fight off the firemen/security trying to douse the flames and save there lives.
so how are my comments racist and yours not many americans will be deeply upset at your jeep reference lol

Youre clearly unaware, and the info is in the public domain, that the irish threat is re emerging. Historically they too get very nervous delivering their devices and would presumably sweat. Enforcers from over the water keep lovely pet dogs im told.

Oh.......and over here you wouldnt see them on irish plates either ;)

I havent proven anyones point, Ive pointed out to you (in view of the fact that you still havent answered what I asked you) that a terrorist can be of any appearance and use any delivery method they choose. Be it a hybrid or their general preferred. You simply cant sterotype. Presumption is the mother of all fcuk ups.

The chances of you identifying a terrorist is slim.

Again i'll tell you straight, youve taken elements of identification and morphed them into a generally inaccurate racist stereotype (have a look at the statute)

From your description he could be late to pick up a prescription from the docs for his flu !!!!

Get yourself on the tube sometime and have a look around at just how many sweaty hassled people ar eon there looking at their watches..............of every colour and creed :thumb2
there was a father and son making chemical weapons not that long back . bnp members too

About ten miles from here :D caused a bit of excitement for a while .

Shed loads of white extremists around the place.Some non sweaty ,very calm and collected prepared to sacrifice themselves.

All of which makes the racist stereotype more ludicrous :D
in response to suiucide bombings etc by muslim extremists your on bus/train your stops about 5 away an asian chappy in his pyjama suit carrying a rucksack looking nervous gets on sits down near you faint whiff bleach and he keeps looking at watch/phone do you stay on the extra stops or get off asap hes making hairs on back neck stand up!

another thing you fail to question - what if i am a muslim? :nenau

do you know i'm not?
im sure whatever religion you were you would consider it your religous duty to live and progress your religion so get off although i would hope youd reach out to your fellow muslim and engage him in conversation incase he is of the extreme side of islam and intends to do harm disuade him as i believe islam forbids taking ones own life or harming others think of the positives you could claim for your religion!
see debate brings answers closing free speech leaves unanswered questions!
maybe just maybe this chappy is thinking of emulating these guys!
<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nuhBdHc8Nqs" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>
im sure whatever religion you were you would consider it your religous duty to live and progress your religion so get off although i would hope youd reach out to your fellow muslim and engage him in conversation incase he is of the extreme side of islam and intends to do harm disuade him as i believe islam forbids taking ones own life or harming others think of the positives you could claim for your religion!
see debate brings answers closing free speech leaves unanswered questions!

I believe Jace, you are finally seeing the point :clap