fear factor

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asian chap gets on bus carrying rucksack looking nervous checkin watch/phone

  • get off asap he could be a suicide bomber

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • stay on u got balls of steel

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


in response to suiucide bombings etc by muslim extremists your on bus/train your stops about 5 away an asian chappy in his pyjama suit carrying a rucksack looking nervous gets on sits down near you faint whiff bleach and he keeps looking at watch/phone do you stay on the extra stops or get off asap hes making hairs on back neck stand up!
I vote for closing the thread, more offensive indirect racism. :(
i was going by your avatar which implies your as old as dinosour,the question is are you as wise as you are old lol!
i was going by your avatar which implies your as old as dinosour,the question is are you as wise as you are old lol!

the question is are you wise enough to know :augie
we are all trainee idiots , its a part of lifes experience , its just that some are more qualified than others :sly
time to close this thread, if ever we do have any Islamic members - and who says we haven't already! this will be here for your embarrassment for ever!

I think it should be club policy that racism is not tolerated, and for the record remember - i told you so :thumb2
i see no racisym just facts!

I've read though it and nothing you have posted could be defined as a fact!

If i were up to speed on the legislation and had experience of it (which i do) the title question alone contains enough (when added to the threads that led up to this for:

inciting racial hatred

implied racism

and the old adage is 'ignorance is no defense'

so lets just leave it now shall we?
would this discussion not be better served through the pm medium rather than in public forum ? :nenau
dont worry mate this is just like good ol days ov mav and sharkie pulling there hair out lol
cammeraman wouldve been along ages ago and removed it to mods area but he got sacked for throwing his weight aroound a little to much lol
i still see no racist remarks in my question?
i see no racisym just facts!

I see a very stupid question that displays to perfection the black and white attitude of bigots.

Two answers ? stay on, get off ? nothing in this world is that clear.

You wanting more options? how about "would you have the balls to get onto the bus " (presuming there was more than a bit of stereotyping to give credibility to the bod being a terrorist)......................think about it.

even better would have been a non prejudiced open question asking "what would you do if you saw.........."

Amazing how it expands when the old grey matter is applied.

One very very direct question Jace, have you ever met or even seen a "terrorist" ?

Tell you straight , what youve tried to do and failed is portray an example of an unusaul situation. What you have achieved is a stereotypical racist picture.

If youre in any doubt have a look at my post on the other thread ( about to do it)

I would suggest this tasteless thread is closed.
i think this thread is possibly not inclusive.... there is not an option for a white or non Muslim person who is looking at his watch / phone and smelling of bleach . and of course looking nervous or suspicious .

i think if your asking the question , it should not be referring to mr bleach as a muslim, unless you actually know he is of Muslim faith . but then if i was worried about any passenger on any form of transport.(not wanting to discriminate trains ) i would just get off

black , white and of any faith .... i might even get of if someone had a really bad cold and was coughing and spluttering all over the place .
the question asumes you are already on the bus/train (your stop is further down the route may give it away) and as yet ive not heard of any white skinhead suicide bombers ( i await with baited breath the russians blaming one!) so my percieved scenario is the most acurate maybe 20yrs ago it would have been a car on irish plates but muslim extremists are the latest incarnation of the terroist threat to our country