Faulty MAF Unit ?

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Jun 3, 2007
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Hi guys :smile: As my T2 seams a bit slugish to me I have just done the check for the maf unit as in the downloads & have got the following with the ignition on pin 5 is reading 1 volt as the download states :smile: with the engine running i'm getting a reading of 1.9 volts which the download says 2.2 volts :roll: do you think the maf unit could do with replacing or are these readings ok :?
I think my air & fuel filters could do with replacing as they have now done 10k is this right :?: When it warms up abit i'm going to check to see if mine has a mini filter fitted & if so it's coming out :lol: Would disconecting the battery to reset the ECU be worth while :?: & is there anything else I should check for :?:
Many thanks
If you can afford it I would replace the MAF, there has been instances where they seem to test out ok, but replacing them proves otherwise and I would think you have the Bosch version and its not known for its reliability.

As far as disconnecting the battery to clear the ECU, I am not convinced it is worth wile, after having mine disconnected for over 2 days the engine started and went like a rocket for a few days with loads of smoke and then settled down and went back to what it was before, sort of relearning I imagine. I had tried it previously leaving it off for 1 day with no result.
Thanks toolbox :smile: I unpluged the maf unit & took it up the road & it felt like I had a 50cc engine under the bonnet 8O :lol: :lol: When I plugged it back in it was back to normal. I know some of it could just be me :oops: as i've had a lot of heigh performance cars over the years & perhaps i'm wanting a bit to much from the poor old T2, but I find it just don't like going up hills & have to drop down 1 or 2 gears :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Well bit of an up date. Today I went out & fitted a new fuel filter after I managed to get the old one off (must stop tightening things so tight :oops: )Then I set about removing the banjo bolt, took the battery out like in the downloads & released the rad expansion tank & moved it out of the way so I had better access to the fuel pump :smile: but I left the power steering pump in place as I managed ok getting the banjo bolt out with a 17mm socket on a long extension bar. Once I got the bolt out I had a look at it & guess what there was a mini filter fitted in it :roll: I spent a bit of time trying to get the filter out but couldn't becaused it's crimped into the banjo bolt :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: As I felt I couldn't clean it properly inside the bolt I drilled the thing out :roll: :lol: Then spent 1/2 an hour cleaning all the swarf out so it did'nt go into the pump.After putting it all back together I took it out for a spin & in the lower gears it seams better. The only prob seams as i'm getting alot of blue smoke :roll: but I'll see if it clears up over the next few days like Toolbox found out.
Could I have damaged the head etc with it not getting the fuel that it needed :? :?:
Hi Sweety,
You shouldn’t have damaged the engine with it under-fuelling if it don’t get the fuel it just dont go so well., a problem can occur with over fuelling as the bores become washed.
Another job to do!!! thanks to Gigsy.

Gigsy has just been to my place after cleaning his MAF, I should have known by the grin on his face. What a difference!!! trouble no I have realised mine needs doing, cheers Gigsy :twisted:

Jim T
Jim its costing me a fortune in juice now, can't stop wheel spinning and blasting off from lights all those landi's and milk floats who left me for dead at the lights watch out im back!!

Took r lass out in it after i was at yours she's now sueing me for whiplash!
Sweety buy some spray electrical contact cleaner or similar and do your maf serious i thought mine wasn't too bad and the probs i had were elsewhere on the car, took maf off and appart, cleaned mesh (didn't know it was silver!) cleaned the sensor housing as it was filthy then carefully cleaned the maf (again this is silver) put it back together and oh my god its flipin beauty, I haven't even changed any filter and its like a rocket.

If its not that whats it cost ya 6 quid? you'll still have half a can for when it does play up :roll:

I must admit it thought clean the maf nar it must be a bigger prob than a blumin clean but hey ho i was wrong (exhaust, crank sensor, hubs, torsion bars appart it sorted!)
Hi Giggsy i've cleaned my maf a few times & it hasn't made any real difference but am going to do it again since i've removed the mini filter. On the plus side my mpg has got better by quiet a bit now the mini filter is gone but I am going to look into a new maf as it'll never come in wrong will it :roll: :lol: :lol:
ER whats a maf unit, where is it what does it do, have I got one on my 96 Mav :? :?

Well just abit of an update, I've bitten the bullet & ordered a new Maf unit to see if that fixes my probs going up hills :roll: I went to my local parts shop & they can get them in for £70.10 8O so as I was sitting down & could do with a laugh I thought I would phone Nissan for a price, so I gave them a call & gave them the part no & the guy said that'll be £35 8O :smile: then got told oh it's been superseeded which I thought here we go big money :roll: but he came back with a price of £45.06 :p :p :p so I ordered one & will be picking it up on wed so will let you know if there is any change :roll:
Well I went & picked up my new Maf unit today & fitted in the carpark :lol: Well as I pulled out onto the main road I pushed down the go pedal the same anount as i've done for the last year & left 1/2 of my AT's on the road 8O 8O 8O my wife is also doing me for whiplash :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol: TBH I did'nt think there would be that much change :oops: how wrong I was my old snail is now a flying machine 8O :lol:
I would just like to say thanks to everyone :smile: & a very big thanks to Toolbox for all the help he has gave me with my last few probs on here & via PM -cheers-
Well done Sweety, result.

Could you post the part number on here for the new MAF, it may come in handy for someone in the future.
The part number on the old Maf unit was -22680-7F400- this has been superseeded to the new part number which is -22680-7F425- & the price was £45.09 :smile:

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