
Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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it seems to me in this day an age if u lose contact with people its by choice realy and throwing out invites to random strangers is bit like a dating agency u could end up with some 64 yr old granny telling you shes 22 slim blond blue eyes etc when realy shes old grey an saggy!
you talking about me jace :lol:
he he your honest and wouldnt lie about your age or looks .....would you lol!
jace said:
he he your honest and wouldnt lie about your age or looks .....would you lol!

iv met him .. he he - ask me you all know how honest I am .. :wink:

I'm on FaceBook to catch up with old School and Army Cadet mates ... dont tend to add anyone I don't know .. its also a way of sharing photos and films with people, its only invasive if you let it.

Anyone wanting to add me and bump up there friends list feel free to PM your full name or ask for mine.
did you see the warnings about not to much persnol details due to fraud etc not so bad if your selecting your contacts but if open caution was urged
jace said:
did you see the warnings about not to much persnol details due to fraud etc not so bad if your selecting your contacts but if open caution was urged

yeah like your full address and telephone number for an open profile .. but if you are stupid enough to post that kind of information online then you are bound to invite frauds etc..
im on facebook also

how about we set up a facebook account? call it nismav4x4club or something?

that way whenever there are photos from members, they can post and everybody can check it out and we can aim to be the biggest 4x4 club on facebook in the nissan and maverick arena!
Re: Facebook

Carter said:
how about we set up a facebook account? call it nismav4x4club or something?

that way whenever there are photos from members, they can post and everybody can check it out and we can aim to be the biggest 4x4 club on facebook in the nissan and maverick arena!

you could create a group .. I am sure you would soon get members .. and it would advertise the site too ..

:wink: :wink:

I have to be honest iv`e never had anything to do with Facebook and i have not the faintest what its all about.

If its a good thing then go for it anyway of spreading the name of the club has to be good.

I dont know how to add people in face book unless I find them in my friends friends if you know what I mean!?
NNMan said:
I dont know how to add people in face book unless I find them in my friends friends if you know what I mean!?

yeah I know what you mean .. thats the easy option lol

Search in box on your right hand side of your home page JOE BLOGGS .. and it pulls up all the Joe Bloggs everywhere .. then if you know the person's piccy it should be easy to add them .. if not you can search via email address .. but as its to find people you have not spoken to in ages .. how you would know that is beyong me..

Hope this helps
