Ahh thanks dude, and this temp turns up the revs?
She starts ok about 1k revs when cold. After she warms she drops to 500 (usually when she starts to misfire)
Saying that last night i altered the mix, it's no linger straight veg so I will report after work :thumb2
The Tdi is fly by wire, so the tick over revs are controlled by the ecu.
The ecu monitors the engine temperature, via one of the three sensors next to the thermostat housing, and adjusts the revs on start up to suit.
But before thinking that one of these sensors is faulty, you need to sort out your fuel mix.
The glow plugs need to be all working too, easy to check, see download section.
From all the advice so far, it looks like you need to adjust the mix.:thumb2
Initially I would try 50/50 for a while, if ok after a week of cold starts, then try 75% SVO to 25% diesel and tweak from there.
In warmer weather, you can increase the ratio, BUT if it gets colder then you need to add more diesel.
Don't forget, the night temperature gets to 5c so fairly cold, so you do need the correct mix.
Some advice...
Mark on your calendar or diary what blend you used, and what the average temperature was, also a brief sentence on how it performed, then from Autumn onwards, you will anticipate the correct blend, vs temperature:thumb2
Randomly adding diesel, is not scientific, and neither is mixing litres of svo and a few pounds of diesel, try to work in the same units, eg litres, then when you calculate the mix as a percentage, or a ratio, then the mix can be controlled no matter how much you make up.
Try adding both at the same time, if not practical, then diesel first then when you get home, the svo
Shaken not stirred... It might help to have a few cans of diesel to add as you do the svo addition, to help it mix.
I don't know how well the two mix together, but if you brim the tank, then there is not enough room for the fuels to swirl around, eg when you go around corners or brake. I would think, up to 75% ie 3/4 full would allow plenty of room to mix well, a few low speed stops, after you start her up should do it.