Engine suddenly revving

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Car: Nissan Patrol 30.Di GR 2001 model

The car has suddenly developed a funny rev problem. Normally when it has been idling it has been at apporx 800rpm but suddenly it has gone top around 1200rpm UNLESS you put it into gear !. When its in gear whether the clutch is engaged or not the revs go back down to 800rpm.. any ideas ?

Engine Revving

Thanks for that but the a/c is off and it only happens when idling but revs go to normal when gear engaged whether clutch engaged or not..
switch on gbox is causing this fault on navaras dare say its same g/box
would this switch be on a man gbox jace? mine revs randomly but thats due to my evil crankshaft sensor, i hate my crankshaft sensor!
yes theres a few of them though and im chancing they use navara box in patrol/pathfinder etc you havent got a heat button for extra warm up mine does it picks revs up in cold starts to warm up quicker as soon as you put into gear (g/box switch detcts it shifting from nuetral to 1st) it dies down to normal tickover
itd make sence to re use box in different models keep costs down its probibly the same as late terrano box theres a few more theories on revs goin up one says leave it tickin over ten mins and ecu will reset them nnman found his throtle cable was catchin on a grommet (do 2001 patrols have cable?) and another thought it could be fuel presure related! looks like a plug in at dealers!
The tdi Terranos should all have a neutral switch as does the Patrol, gbox may be different but all works through ecu the fly by wire engine ecu shuts of the fuel going down hills so needs to know if your in gear.

The engine warm up button you have and the Patrols will be cancelled out and return the engine to tick over when put in gear so it may be a problem with the warm up switch or possibly the temp sensor.

If it’s the ZD30 engine then I am pretty sure it won’t have a throttle cable .
Engine Revving

Bang on to all who mentioned the warm up switch..

I hadn't realised I had knocked it on when I was cleaning the car.. took the switch off the revs returned to normal
