Engine running rough, stuttering

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Well went dot a drive this evening still the same problem, unplugged the maf and it made on real difference, plugged it back in and then struggled to get home, it's really bad now, No power at all.
Does that mean it's the maf ?
Just did the electrical check and got a reading of 1.5 volts with the engine running
If there was no change when you unplugged the MAF then the MAF is definitely goosed - whether that's your only problem though I don't know :nenau

I would try a replacement MAF and see how you get on.
Well just ordered a new maf from the guys Alex suggested, hope that sorts the problem out, will keep you informed.
Thanks for the help guys, well worth the annual membership fee
Lets hope it was the maf. Its better to find a swapout one before you part with money. A Primera one fits and there's a lot of them in the breakers.
Well after some issues with the postal service i finally got the replacement maf today, fitted it and went for a drive and the problem is no better, so looks like it's going to have to be a visit to the local garage to see what the issue is.
Well after some issues with the postal service i finally got the replacement maf today, fitted it and went for a drive and the problem is no better, so looks like it's going to have to be a visit to the local garage to see what the issue is.
Told you it was fuelling!!!!!

Mate you've got a blockage, my money is on swirl chamber in the tank or mini filter on the IP!!!!
Told you it was fuelling!!!!!

Mate you've got a blockage, my money is on swirl chamber in the tank or mini filter on the IP!!!!

Is that something the garage will be able to identify fairly easily ? And fix fairly cheaply? Or am I asking how long is a piece of string ?
Mate call me up and we'll do it together over the phone, easy!!! My bloody 17 old sister could do it

I must tread carefully here but the first joke that came to mind was "whats her hourly rate" :thumbs

I actually meant it in quite an innocent way, then the dodgy side realised what I had said :lol
I must tread carefully here but the first joke that came to mind was "whats her hourly rate" :thumbs

I actually meant it in quite an innocent way, then the dodgy side realised what I had said :lol

:doh:doh go & get your shovel Alex & go into your back garden & start digging:lol:lol:lol
Air in fuel only needs a pin hole ???

I had same problem on my first T 2 this is a old post below

I noticed a diesel leak at the back looks like a pipe has corroded not sure which one they is two,thinking about cutting back the steel pipe and replacing with rubber or plastic only about 6 or 7 inches what size is the steel fuel pipe ???I want to slide pipe over the pipe and jubile clip the rubber pipe on, hoping this works do not what to change full length

The leaking is always near wheel arch could be just pin hole wet not dripping.

PS This started with a small pin hole first and got to be a bigger Hole

One pipe 8mm the other is 6mm on diesel lines

I am no expert by any means.....but i would also say it sounds like a fuelling issue...
I have had some "stuttery" issues with mine, removed cleaned and replaced the mini filter and all seems fine...
Not sure if yours has one....but that little monster causes all kinds of lack of power issues....

Good luck with the problem, hope you get it sorted soon
Mine is a 3.0 so does not have a mini filter.
I tried to change the fuel filter earlier tonight but I think it must be welded on, i could not budge it even with a extension bar on the strap wrench