Engine Removal Procedure

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Active member
Feb 28, 2009
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I have the unfortunate task of removing my 2.4 engine. I have released all wiring and pipes and split it from the gearbox, however the sump fouls on the front axle and doesn't allow the engine to come forward enought to clear the spigot shaft. Is there a step by step procedure anywhere that lays out what needs to be removed to facilitate engine removal. I'm seriously thinking of throwing my hand in on this one. Any help would be much appreciated in advance.


Hi Zippy,

I will have to I think, bloody monumental take in its self, but if thats what it takes then so be it. I just need a little guidance from the wise as its one thing after another.


Im not wise, but if one cant more the other has to...

ive only ever changed cortina engins and minis
cortina so much room to move was easy, mini was always easer to lift body off angin subframe ect
Thanks to all

Thanks Guys for taking the time. I was not relishing the thought of fighting the gearbox but it will be worth it in the long run me thinks.

Thanks again:clap:clap:clap


now you're doing a 'me' ronypony.....the clue is in the second line of the first post :):doh

There ya go...I should have used the word 'separated'
One can 'split' but does this mean one has 'seperated'..hmmm must ask an old girlfriend that question :)